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Audit and Finance Committee


Chair: Carlos Munguia

Melisa Denis
Dan Feehan
Milton Lee

The Audit and Finance Committee oversees the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of the University of North Texas System, while also ensuring the quality and integrity of the System’s internal and external audit process, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and effectiveness of the risk assessment and risk management process.

Student Success, Academic and Clinical Affairs Committee


Chair: Mary Denny

Melisa Denis
Carlos Munguia
John Scott Jr.

The Student Success, Academic and Clinical Affairs Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the full Board regarding UNTS’ institutions’ academic missions, as well as policies and resources needed to realize missions, execute academic and clinical strategic priorities, ensure the quality and integrity of each institution’s programs, instruction, and clinical practices, and to promote the welfare of students attending any UNTS institution.

Strategic Infrastructure Committee


Chair: A.K. Mago

Mary Denny
Brint Ryan
John Scott Jr.

The Strategic Infrastructure Committee oversees the long-term planning, implementation, and security of critical physical and network infrastructures of the University of North Texas System. The committee reviews all capital project schedules and construction contracts, evaluates land and property purchase opportunities, recommends to the Board any required actions concerning the naming of buildings, facilities, real property, streets and programs as required by the Regents Rules, and monitors the institutions’ security measures against possible threats and hazards to critical infrastructure systems.

Strategic and Operational Excellence Committee


Chair: Milton Lee

Dan Feehan
A.K. Mago
Brint Ryan

The Strategic and Operational Excellence Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the full Board regarding UNT System and campus strategic planning, execution and progress, and financial support of the strategic plans. The Committee is also responsible for the evaluation of efficiency, cost effectiveness, quality, and customer satisfaction of administrative services including system-wide shared services.