Leadership & Involvement Awards


Leadership & Involvement Awards

The University of North Texas at Dallas Office of Student Affairs invites the UNTD community to nominate students, faculty/staff, student organization advisors, and registered student  organizations for a variety of awards.

We invite you to acknowledge the outstanding work and contributions they have made in 2019-2020 to improve our campus, community and our world. Nominations will be accepted through April 3rd. Please submit nominations to this link:
2020 Leadership & Involvement Awards

The award nominees and recipients will be recognized at an awards ceremony on Thursday, April 30th at 6:00PM in the Student Center Campus Hall. 

For questions or concerns, please email studentaffairs@untdallas.edu


Award Descriptions

Emerging Leader

Presented to a student who is new to UNTD (either a first-year student or a transfer student in their first year) who shows active involvement in an organized campus activity and is helping to make a difference on campus or in the club/organization/activity.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Demonstrate the potential to be a continued leader on the UNT Dallas campus;
  2. Involved in at least one campus organization recognized by the Office of Student Affairs;
  3. Must be a new member in a student organization for less than 1 year;
  4. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Legacy Award

Presented to a student who actively celebrates the mission of UNTD, has contributed greatly to the UNTD Community throughout their time of attendance.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Completed/ing undergraduate or graduate degree in May or December 2020.
  2. Involved in at least two campus organizations recognized by the Office of Student Affairs;
  3. Held an elected officer position in at least one campus organization for at least a year;
  4. Served as a mentor to other students;
  5. Demonstrates the potential to be a continued leader after graduation; and
  6. Has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Outstanding Student Organization President

Presented to a leader within a recognized club/organization at UNTD who exemplifies excellence in their organization and works toward the benefit of others.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Current president or officer of a similar standing of a student organization recognized by the Office of Student Affairs for more than one semester;
  2. Demonstrates and shares positive leadership skills to their student organization;
  3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  4. Motivates individual members of the organization to impact the campus in a positive manner.

Outstanding Student Organization Advisor

Presented to a faculty/staff advisor of a recognized club or organization at UNTD who has gone above and beyond in working with members, promoting the organization, serving as a mentor, and making a difference.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Served as the advisor of a student organization recognized by the Office of Student Affairs for at least one semester;
  2. Effective at motivating and encouraging the students of the organization;
  3. Demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment to supporting the students of the organization; and
  4. Served as a mentor and encouraged achievement of organizational goals.

Outstanding Student Government Association (SGA) Member

Presented to a student in recognition of enthusiastic participation in, and outstanding contributions to, the work of the Student Government Association.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The current officer or senator within Student Government Association for more than one semester;
  2. Demonstrates and shares positive leadership skills in SGA
  3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and
  4. Motivates individual members of SGA to impact the campus in a positive manner.

Outstanding Student Veteran

Presented to a student veteran at UNTD who has gone above and beyond in working with students, faculty/staff, and/or administration, promoting student veteran organizations and initiatives, serving as a mentor, and making a difference.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. An active veteran at UNT Dallas for more than one semester;
  2. Demonstrates and shares positive leadership skills to the student body;
  3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and
  4. Motivates individual veteran to impact the campus in a positive manner.

Heart of a Veteran

Presented to a student at UNTD who has gone above and beyond in working with student veterans.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Must be a member of the University Community
  2. Supporter of Veterans 
  3. Chosen by Student Veterans Association

Outstanding Presidential Scholar

Presented to a student in the Presidential Scholar Program who embodies the goals of the program and UNTD, empowers fellow students, demonstrates outstanding scholarship, and made a positive impact on the community and that the organization/activity in which they were involved.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Current Presidential Scholar at UNT Dallas for more than one semester;
  2. Demonstrates and shares positive leadership skills to the student body; 
  3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.,
  4. Motivates individual students to impact the campus in a positive manner, and
  5. Demonstrated involvement on campus through various opportunities (i.e. student orgs, community service, SGA, etc.)

Program of the Year

Presented to a student organization, residence hall, or university department/office for an exceptional program, event, and/or initiative that provided a unique learning opportunity outside the classroom that benefited its members and/or the campus community.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Event hosted by a registered student organization recognized by the Office of Student Affairs, residence hall, or university department/office.
  2. Have all appropriate paperwork for the event on file with the Office of the Office of Student Affairs;
  3. Program demonstrates originality and innovation;
  4. Program is effectively implemented and open to all students; and
  5. Program significantly enhanced student life at UNT Dallas.
  6. Program benefited and invited the campus community.

Student Organization of the Year

Presented to an active recognized student club/organization who represents the mission of UNTD to empowers members and fellow students, transforms lives, and strengthen the campus and surrounding communities

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A recognized student organization with the Office of Student Affairs for 2018-2019 academic year
  2. Shows school spirit by attending programs sponsored by other organizations;
  3. Contributed significantly and positively to campus life through its programs, activities, and other organizational efforts; and
  4. Student organization achieved its mission, as reflected in its purpose statement

Fraternity/Sorority Chapter of the Year

Presented to an active chartered fraternity and/or sorority who supports the mission of their organization and UNTD, empowers members and fellow students, transforms lives, and strengthen the campus and surrounding communities

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A recognized fraternity/sorority at UNT Dallas;
  2. Chapter demonstrated how their organization's mission and values align with UNT Dallas values;
  3. Chapter promotes Greek Unity, involvement within the UNTD community, and positive experiences for its members,
  4. Chapter has a significant impact on the quality of the student experience at UNT Dallas, and
  5. Chapter has at least a cumulative chapter GPA of 3.0.

Greek Hall of Fame

Presented to a fraternity man and/or sorority woman within a chartered fraternity/sorority at UNTD who exemplifies excellence in their chapter and works toward the benefit of others.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. An active member of a sorority or fraternity recognized by the Office of Student Affairs;
  2. Exemplifies fraternal founding principles and demonstrates them in everyday life;
  3. Contributed to the advancement of his/her chapter and Fraternity & Sorority Life at UNT Dallas; and
  4. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

Outstanding Freshman

Presented to a freshman who has contributed significantly to the student body's social and personal development through involvement in co-curricular activities and makes an impact in the campus community.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A current first-year freshman
  2. Demonstrated involvement on campus through organizations, programs through an academic department (i.e. Honors, Presidential Scholars, AT&T Scholars, special projects), or on-campus employment;
  3. A cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Impact Award

Presented to any full-time faculty or staff member in recognition of their devotion and energy to UNTD, as a motivator of students and/or fellow faculty/staff, and especially for commitment to the goals of UNTD in programming, services, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Any full-time faculty or staff member of UNT Dallas
  2. Demonstrates dedication to UNT Dallas students through quality work and service,
  3. Contributes toward achieving the goals of their department/office,
  4. Displays a positive attitude & commitment to the continual improvement or growth of their office, the division and the University.

Servant Leader

Presented to a student who makes volunteerism and service to UNTD and the local/regional/global community a priority.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A current student at UNT Dallas
  2. Demonstrated involvement in the community by serving as a volunteer for a minimum of 150 hours during their time at UNT Dallas 
  3. A cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Outstanding Achievement in Experiential Learning 

Presented to a student who participated in programs offered through the Office of Experiential Learning at UNTD.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Senior graduating May 2020
  2. Completed an internship, practicum, and/or student teaching opportunity during their time at UNT Dallas for at least 200 hours;
  3. A cumulative GPA of 3.0.


Judging & Scoring

Nominations are judged by five (5) pre-selected UNT Dallas faculty and staff members from outside of Student Affairs. Judges receive their rubric and submission binder loaded with double-blind submissions for each award and must return them to Student Affairs by the deadline identified in the binder.

Each submission is evaluated on the following:

  • Satisfied Award Eligibility Criteria
  • Complete and Articulate Application
  • Relevance to Institutional Mission
  • Individual Impact