Register with the ODA



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Request Reasonable Accommodation Through the Appropriate Office

UNT employee seeking accommodations in the workplace, please see UNT HR.

Students seeking accommodations must register with the approrpriate office at each campus or enrollment.  Students at  the UNT Dallas campus, go to Services at UNT Dallas. For reasonable accommodations at the UNT Health Science Center, go to UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth.

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How to Register with the ODA

Note: Students must be admitted to UNT before registering with our office. 

Please keep in mind that the process below must be completed before the ODA can provide academic accommodations. On average, the process takes 2-3 weeks to complete after submission of Registration Form and documentation.

  1. Log in to AIM and complete the request for services form.  To log into AIM, instructions can be found at How to access AIM - New Students (pdf)
  2. Provide documentation of disability or medical condition that supports each accommodation request. For documentation requirements by disability, see those pages on this website.
    • Upload documentation via AIM,
    • Email documentation to, or
    • Fax to 940-565-7969 (* Due to on-going concerns regarding COVID-19 and as some of our staff moves to working remotely, please email or upload documentation as there may be a delay in processing documentation that is faxed).
  3. After your documentation and Registration Form is reviewed, the ODA will contact you to set up a Registration Meeting with your ODA Coordinator which can occur either in our office or on the phone if you are a distance learner.  At this meeting, you will discuss the registration process, accommodations requested, services available, and how accommodations are provided.  If more information is required, you will be informed how to go about acquiring the additional information. You must resubmit your documentation with this updated information in order to proceed.
  4. You must attend this meeting in order to complete the registration process.   If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule.

Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email from your coordinator with instructions about how to request Letters of accommodation. 

At the conclusion of your Registration Meeting, please let us know how we are doing!  Take the survey: ODA Post-Registration Survey

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Documentation Guidelines

Students requesting a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must provide the following information to the Office of Disability Access (ODA) from his or her physician, educational diagnostician, licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or other qualified professional. Documentation received will be considered in determining whether a student is disabled as defined by the ADA, and therefore entitled to reasonable accommodation.

To simplify the process the following forms may be used for some types of disabilities or a formal letter may be created as long as it contains all of the elements listed below:

Note: Documentation of a learning disability (dyslexia, writing disorders, math disorders etc.) may not be completed using a form or letter. Psychological testing will be required, and students needing accommodation for learning disabilities should make an appointment with an ODA Coordinator prior to seeking documentation.

The information provided should include:

  • Specific, detailed diagnosis for each physical or mental impairment, substantiated by DSM-IV (for psychological) or ICD-10 (for medical) designation.
  • Statement as to if whether each physical or mental impairment is permanent or temporary; if temporary, the expected duration of the impairment.
  • Information as to how each physical or mental impairment directly and currently affects the individual with regard to physical, emotional, cognitive or other limitations, to what level of severity the physical or mental impairment impacts the individual's major life activities (for an example, walking, hearing, seeing, learning, communicating, breathing, and so forth).
  • What impact does the physical or mental impairment have in the context of the classroom/learning environment?
  • How are the impairments mitigated, corrected, or managed by assistive devices (such as hearing aid, walker) medications, treatments or other coping mechanisms?
  • Specific recommendations as to what reasonable accommodations (such as note taker, extended testing time, sign language interpreter, etc.) are necessary for equal access in the academic environment.
  • If client is taking medication for treatment of conditions, note any possible or existing side effects and how these can affect the client in daily functioning and within the classroom environment.

Only upon receipt of documentation will the student be considered for reasonable accommodation. Documentation will be viewed in both a historical and current context, but providing documentation does not automatically qualify students for services through ODA. For example, some educational diagnostic reports (such as Admission Review Dismissal, or A.R.D., reports and 504 Plans) and medical reports (physician's release to return to work) are not considered independently sufficient in determining reasonable accommodation, but will be considered with other supporting documents.

Documentation should be submitted on office letterhead with the signature and credentials of qualified professional. Once ODA receives the documentation, it becomes part of the student's educational record and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Any questions from the physician/diagnostician may be directed to an ODA Coordinator at (940) 565-4323.