UIT Virtual Lab

University IT offers access to statistics, analytics, and modeling software packages for academic use through the Univeristy IT Virtual Lab. These applications are hosted on UNT servers and presented virtually to your on- or off-campus computer, meaning that you may use these full applications without the need to install them on your local computer.

Request access to the UIT Virtual Lab

To request access to the UIT Virtual Lab, submit a UNT IT Help Ticket through UNT's self-service system.

1. Available applications
2. How to get started
3. Using the virtual lab

1. Available applications in the UIT Virtual Lab

EViews 11
Mathematica 12
NVivo 12
RStudio 3.5 (CRAN, CRANextra, BioCsoft, Rtools)
SAS 9.4 (less Text and Enterprise Miner)
SPSS Statistics 26
SPSS Modeler 18.2
Stata/IC 16
FieldWorks Language Explorer 8
GPower 3.1
Keyman 10
SayMore 3

2. How to get started using the UIT Virtual Lab

There are two methods by which you may access the UIT Virtual Lab: using the VMware Horizon desktop application or using your web browser. This tutorial will cover the advantages of each and how to use them.

Web browser
• No client or plug-in to install; simple, one-click access to your applications.
• Especially useful for public computers where you may not be able/allowed to install the desktop client.
• Access to the files stored on your university-provided OneDrive, however no access to the files stored locally on your computer (referenced in step #3 below).

1. Visit https://view.euc.untsystem.edu/ in your choice of web browser.
2. Select the right icon labeled "VMware Horizon HTML Access."
3. To sign in, students will use STUDENTS\EUID and employees will use UNT\EUID for the username. Alternatively, you may use your university-provided email address as the username which omits the need for a "domain\" prefix. For students, that username will follow the format FirstLast@my.unt.edu, while employees will follow the format First.Last@unt.edu.

Desktop client
• Granular configuration options to fit into your traditional desktop workflow.
• Virtual applications have their own windows and taskbar icons; visually seamless integration with your other computer applications.
• Access to your university-provided OneDrive and to the files stored locally on your computer via the Z:\ drive (referenced in step #3 below).

1. Visit https://view.euc.untsystem.edu/ in your choice of web browser.
2. Click the left icon labeled “Install VMware Horizon Client.”
3. On the VMware webpage, click the “Go to Downloads” link off to the right of the product for your platform – for instance, VMware Horizon Client for Windows (not Windows 10 UWP) or VMware Horizon Client for Mac.
4. By default, the most recent version is selected and this is fine for our use. Click the blue “Download” button to start downloading the VMware Horizon installation media.
5. The installation process will vary by platform.

a. Windows

i. Open the installation executable that you downloaded. It’s likely named VMware-Horizon-Client-(version).exe
ii. A standard installation is acceptable for our uses, so review the license agreement and click “Agree & Install” to continue.
iii. The installer will install the application and prompt you if a system restart is necessary.
iv. You should then be able to find the VMware Horizon Client in your Start Menu.

b. macOS

i. Open the installation image that you downloaded. It’s likely named VMware-Horizon-Client-(version).dmg
ii. Review the license agreement and click “Agree” to accept.
iii. A “VMware Horizon Client” image will be mounted and open a new window. In this window, drag the “VMware Horizon Client.app” icon to the “Applications” folder to complete the installation.
iv. You should then be able to find the VMware Horizon Client in your Applications folder.

6. Open the VMware Horizon Client.
7. When prompted for a Connection Server, enter view.euc.untsystem.edu and click “Connect.”
8. You will be prompted to log in. For the username, students will use STUDENTS\EUID and employees will use UNT\EUID. Alternatively, you may use your university-provisioned email address as the username which omits the need for a “domain\” prefix. For students, that username will follow the format FirstLast@my.unt.edu, while employees will follow the format First.Last@unt.edu.

3. Using the UIT Virtual Lab

Launching applications
Applications may be launched from the VMware Horizon Client window by double-clicking on them.

Computer Use Policy
When launching your first application, you will be asked to confirm that you agree to abide by UNT’s Computer Use policy, just as you would in a physical computer lab.

Screen shot of PC file structureAccessing and saving your files
Your university-provided OneDrive, local computer storage drives, and USB storage devices are mounted as “network drives” in the virtual environment whenever available. This means you may access files stored locally on your computer (desktop client only) and files stored in your OneDrive (both the web and desktop client) within the virtual environment by navigating to that “drive” within an application’s file explorer.

NOTE: Virtual applications have their own virtual disk that is not necessarily persistent between your sessions, so it is recommended you access and save your files with one of these aforementioned external sources where your files are saved outside the virtual environment.

For instance, when in SAS, you may go to File -> Open, then select “This PC” on the left and open the O:\ drive to access your OneDrive or the Z:\ drive mapped using your local computer username to gain access to files under your local computer user profile.

Some applications’ file explorers may look different from others. So, whichever way the navigation is done, just remember to first find and navigate to “This PC” to find your mapped network drives in order to gain access to the files on your computer and your OneDrive.


For more information, please send an email to HostComputingServices@unt.edu.