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Sexual Assault Anonymous Reporting

UNT System has an Anonymous Reporting form for any faculty, staff or student having knowledge of reasonable suspicion that an incident of sexual assault, dating violence and-or stalking has taken place. Reporters and survivors may request to remain anonymous; however, the UNT System still wants to be notified of any incidents of sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.

This form is to report all information you know about the incident that is relevant to the investigation; as well as whether the alleged victim expressed a desire for confidentiality in reporting the incident. If you have been designated by System Administration as a person with whom students may speak confidentially concerning sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking, you are only required to report the type of incident. Similarly, if you receive information regarding sexual misconduct under circumstances that make the communications confidential or privileged by law (for example, you receive information as a licensed healthcare professional), you must report only the type of incident reported, but no information that would violate a student’s expectation of privacy.

You can also report to the Title IX Compliance Officer Wanda Boyd — or 214.571.2424— or the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at

The information will be used to help enhance the understanding of the climate within the campus community so that UNT System may strengthen education and prevention efforts related to sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence. Statistical data also will be collected from the information provided. Survivors also may use the form to request support. In addition to tracking sexual assaults, UNT System has a federal obligation to investigate complaints regarding sexual assault and take immediate action, including procedural steps, to reasonably end the behavior and to prevent the behavior from reoccurring. UNT System will make a concerted effort to ensure that anonymous reporters will remain anonymous and that identifying information will be not provided to third parties during the investigation, unless such accommodation hinders the completion of the full investigation.


UNT System defines sexual assault, dating violence and stalking in the following ways:

  • Sexual assault is sexual contact or intercourse with a person without the person's consent, including sexual contact or intercourse against the person's will or in a circumstance in which the person is incapable of consenting to the contact or intercourse.
  • Sexual harassment is unwelcome, sex-based verbal or physical conduct that:in the employment context, unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, or, in the education context, is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct interferes with a student's ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs or activities at a post secondary educational institution.
  • Sexual misconduct is conduct including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and/or sexual violence.
  • Consent is defined as words or actions that show an active, knowing and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. Consent cannot be gained by force, coercion, manipulation, threats or taking advantage of the incapacitation of another when the individual knows, or reasonably should know, of such incapacity by use of alcohol or drugs. Consent is absent when the activity in question exceeds the scope of previously given consent, or the person is unconscious or otherwise unaware that the prohibited conduct is occurring. Consent may be revoked at any time.
  • Dating Violence is abuse or violence, or a threat of abuse or violence, against a person with whom the individual has or has had a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. Dating violence includes physical abuse/assault, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, financial abuse and sexual abuse
  • Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person's safety or to suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking behaviors can include, but are not limited to damage to victim’s property, repeatedly following the victim to class, repeating behaviors that would cause a victim to feel fearful, threatened, or harassed, or obsessive attempts at communication via telephone, email, social media, etc.


These policies may have been revised by the 85th Texas Legislature. If you have questions, please direct questions to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion via email at  or by calling 214.571.2425 or 214.571.4929.

Find sexual assault policies at your location:

Mandatory requirement to report sexual misconduct

Beginning September 1, 2019, all System Administration employees are required by state law to promptly report incidences of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Compliance Officer. This statutory requirement to report is triggered if, in the course and scope of their employment, the employee witnesses or receives information that the employee reasonably believes constitutes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking committed by or against an individual who was employed within the UNT World or enrolled as a student at the time of the incident. This includes instances when individuals with no affiliation with UNT World are either allegedly victimized by a university employee or student, or are accused of committing an offense against a university employee or student.

If an employee knowingly fails to report, the employee will be terminated in accordance with System Administration’s policies and procedures. Additionally, failure to report will be a misdemeanor criminal offense beginning January 1, 2020.

Employees who are victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking are not required to report incidents involving themselves.

Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination

The University of North Texas System Administration does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status in its employment policies, procedures and processes.

System Administration will promptly investigate and resolve all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. System Administration takes actions to prevent retaliation against individuals who report or file a charge of discrimination or harassment; participate in an investigation, or oppose any form of discrimination or harassment.

The full Notice of Non-Discrimination

Please direct questions to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion via email at or by calling 214.571.2425 or 214.571.4929.

Submit an anonymous report of sexual violence,