Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries: Digital Frontiers 2017 Call for Proposals

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The call for proposals for the 2017 Digital Frontiers Conference and THATCamp is now open!

Digital Frontiers is the largest and longest-running digital humanities conference in Texas. Founded at UNT in 2012, Digital Frontiers is an annual conference that explores advances and research in humanities and cultural memory through the lenses of digital scholarship, technology, and multidisciplinary discourse. This year’s conference is September 21-23 at the University of North Texas, and features Keynote Speakers Jacqueline Wernimont and Stacie Williams.

The theme for the 2017 Digital Frontiers Conference is Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries. The conference’s vision is to examine research and projects involving new or newly-applied technologies, concepts, processes, and methodologies; to highlight innovations, insights and emerging areas of research; to reach out to new audiences and communities, especially the underserved; to probe into efforts, both mainstream and on the margins, to achieve social justice via digital humanities resistance to the status quo; and to showcase practical applications of openly available tools and resources that foster investigations that may have been impossible or deemed unanswerable in the past.

Submissions will be accepted through April 28, 2017. For full details on the conference and the call for proposals, please visit the conference website.