Online Graduate Student Academic Coaching

What is Graduate Academic Coaching?

Graduate Academic Coaching is a collaborative process with the ultimate goal of developing a personalized plan for achieving academic success in graduate school. A Graduate Academic Coach will listen to your needs and concerns and work closely with you to develop academic goals and suggest tools, resources, and strategies to assist in reaching those goals. Topics discussed during academic coaching are based on your needs, though common topics we encounter are balancing work, family, and school, managing big projects like a thesis/dissertation, and effective reading strategies for graduate level material. 

Who is Graduate Academic Coaching for?

Graduate Academic Coaching is for anyone who wants assistance in achieving success in their graduate program.  Students who utilize Graduate Academic Coaching are typically interested in gaining one or more of the following things:

  • Individualized academic support
  • Information about Learning Center Programs that may fit their needs
  • Informaiton about campus resources for Graduate students
  • Information about academic techniques specific to Graduate School
  • How to handle the difference between Undergraduate and Graduate expectations

When and where do Graduate Academic Coaching sessions occur?

Online sessions are available via Zoom throughout the week. To enter a virtual classroom space with your coach, you'll use a link emailed to you at the time your session is scheduled to begin.

How do I schedule a session?

Open your browser and go to Appointment Manager ( to choose your coach and select a time that fits your schedule. If you can't find any availability when you're free, contact the program coordinator at to talk about other scheduling options!

Questions? Contact us today!
940-369-7006  |