Policy exceptions

The response required by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in the way the university conducts business.  As we move to implement government requirements on social distancing and transition most instruction to online learning, it is necessary for the university to make temporary exceptions to certain UNT policies:

UNT Policy and direct link

Overview of exception(s)

06.025 Faculty Misconduct and Discipline This policy contains timelines for various procedural actions in the faculty misconduct and discipline process.  Given the constraints faced by the university at this time, an exception is granted from all university timelines in this policy.  Instead, the university’s actions will be completed in a reasonable time as determined by the academic leader with responsibility at each step in the process.
06.051 University Faculty Grievance This policy contains timelines for various procedural actions in the faculty grievance process.  Given the constraints faced by the university at this time, an exception is granted from all university timelines in this policy.  Instead, the university’s actions and the actions of any faculty committees will be completed in a reasonable time as determined by the chair(s) of the relevant committee.
06.004 Faculty Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion            This policy provides the framework for the development and implantation of unit-level criteria, procedures, and communication processes that support reappointment, tenure, and promotion. The policy provides for one year of Stop the Clock and identifies that a second year may be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Given the fact that some research may be unable to be conducted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, an exception to this policy is granted to provide an additional year of extension to the probationary period for affected faculty upon approval of the provost. All other policy requirements must be fulfilled for this exception to be granted for a particular faculty member.
06.027 Academic Workload This policy covers responsibilities and workload assignment for tenured and non-tenured faculty.  Due to the transition in modalities from in-person to online classes, and other changes necessary to comply with government requirements, an exception is granted to the annual assignment of faculty workloads.  Unit administrators have the authority to reassign workloads commensurate with institutional needs, while retaining the ability of the faculty member to engage in and pursue a meaningful program of research and creative activity.

06.005 Non-Tenured Track Faculty Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion

This policy contains timelines for notifying non-tenure track faculty, including lecturers and clinical faculty, of decisions not to renew appointments.  Due to the significant disruptions in the university’s business operations at this time, an exception is granted from all university timelines in this policy.   Instead, the university’s actions will be completed in a reasonable time as determined by the academic leader with responsibility at each step in the process.