Curriculum Review Resources

Curriculum Review Guide and Forms

Members of the academic community should utilize these forms to make requests for new programs and courses and changes to existing programs and changes. 

Curriculum Review Guide


New Course Request (PDF version)     Word version

Change of an Existing Course Request (PDF version)     Word version

Core Curriculum Course Request - see Core Curriculum website and the form is in the Approval Process and Forms section

Request to Develop and Deliver an Online Course



New Academic Program Request (PDF version)     Word version

Change of an Existing Academic Program Request (PDF version)     Word version

Catalog Degree Requirements Worksheet (Word version) —required to accompany New Program and Program Change Requests

Marketable Skills Documentation (PDF version) —required to accompany New Program Request     Word version

Information requested in these forms allows: 1) the committees to perform informed reviews, 2) campus offices to complete important functions, such as updates to the student information system for the course catalog and degree audits, and 3) outside organizations, such as THECB or SACSCOC, to review and approve changes for our growing institution.

It is important to note that new programs and changes to existing programs may require new courses or changes to existing courses.  Please complete the New Course Request and Change of an Existing Course Request forms that should accompany the program form as a package. Proposal review and implementation of your vision may be delayed without all of the pertinent information.

Curriculum Governance Bodies

Academic Council
Chair: Betty Stewart 
Executive Assistant: Essence Cleveland
Reviews all curriculum proposals.

Core Curriculum Committee
Co-Chairs: Priya Eimerbrink and Elizabeth Giddens 
Reviews courses meant to serve as a State core curriculum requirement.

Graduate Council
Chair: Ali Shaqlaih 
Reviews all courses and programs related to graduate education.

School Curriculum Committee Chairs
School of Business - Gary Holmes and Theodore Larson
School of Education - Patsy Sosa-Sanchez
School of Human Services - Iftekhar Amin
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Adrian Tan
Reviews all courses and programs related to departments from a particular school.

University Curriculum Committee
Chair: Gwendolyn Johnson 
Reviews all courses and programs related to undergraduate education.

Curriculum Review Flow Chart

Curriculum Review Process

The Curriculum Review Guide provides more in-depth information on the roles and responsibilities of the various committees that review requests.

A faculty member initiating a program or course for consideration should actively follow-up to ensure a request is working through this process.

Once the Deans determine resources are available and approve of a proposal, they send school curricular changes to either 1) University Curriculum Committee for undergraduate courses/program or 2) Graduate Council for graduate courses/programs. 

For new courses, Core Curriculum Course Requests should be submitted after the University Curriculum Committee has approved the course.  For courses already approved and a part of the course catalog, a Core Curriculum Course Request should be submitted to the Core Curriculum Committee followed by Academic Council review and then the THECB for final approval.

Approval by the Academic Council is the final institutional decision and then actionable by the Office of the Registrar for the catalog, course catalog, and official University degree audit housed in the UNTD EIS.

When curriculum changes require approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) or the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the Office of Academic Affairs will communicate the decision to all institutional stakeholders once received. 

The Catalog will be officially published online with a target date of June 1 each year.  In order for curriculum changes to be published in the catalog, a calendar has been created to inform the campus community of deadlines for content. 

Annually, the April Academic Council meeting will be the last opportunity for campus approval for content for the next Catalog edition.

Other Important Deadlines/Guidelines:

Curriculum Review Calendar for Different Committees

Request to Develop and Deliver an Online Course

Guideline: Courses that will be taught in an online or hybrid format need at least three months for development with Distance Learning and Instructional Technology and appropriate platform training.

Guideline: New doctoral program requests should be submitted at least 11 months prior to planned catalog debut.

Guideline: Other new program requests should be submitted at least 9 month prior to planned catalog debut.

Other Resources:

THECB – Academic Program Development and Modifications 

THECB - Standards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs  

THECB - Marketable Skills at UNT Dallas

IPEDS - CIP Codes 

THECB – 50-mile Rule for New Program Notification 

THECB - General Education Core Curriculum WebCenter – select UNT Dallas and a component area to see what courses have been approved.

Definitions of Foundational Component Areas (FCA) of State Core Curriculum requirements 

SACSCOC – Substantive Change Policy 

SACSCOC – 2018 Edition of the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement