UNT Official Message: Providing undergraduate students with a Pass/No Pass grading option

April 2, 2020

Dear UNT students:

Many of you have expressed a desire to have Pass/No Pass options for all Spring 2020 undergraduate courses. I appreciate you taking the time to share your feelings with us, as well as your patience while we worked through the logistics. For your benefit, we have made the following changes applicable to Spring 2020 undergraduate courses:

  • Undergraduate students can choose either the university’s regular A-F grading scheme or Pass/No Pass for Spring 2020 courses on their academic record.
  • Students earning grades A-C will have these grades posted to their record at the time of grading. A student can elect to change their A-C grades to a Pass after grades post.
  • Students earning a grade of D or F will have a grade of No Pass entered by a faculty member, unless the student notifies their instructor otherwise before grading. Students can elect to change the No Pass grade back to the D or F after grades post.
  • Students can make different choices for different classes, choosing to keep some letter grades, and choosing others to remain Pass/No Pass.
  • Letter grades will continue to calculate in a student’s grade point average. Pass and No Pass options do not calculate in grade point averages.
  • Students will have until 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, to select a change to Pass for letter grades and to change No Pass grades back to a D or F based on the grade earned.

For graduate students, each graduate program is prepared to provide flexibility, as appropriate, to support student success.

To learn more about the Pass/No Pass Option, visit https://registrar.unt.edu/grades. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor prior to making any grade election decisions.

I hope these changes bring relief to some of the stress you are feeling. I know life is filled with uncertainty right now. Many of us are worried about our health, our loved ones and our finances. But some things always hold strong and true: the knowledge you gain and the Mean Green threads tying each of us tightly together. We help one another. We listen to one another. You are never walking alone. We are, and always will be, a family.

Neal Smatresk,
UNT President