Partner with TED

TED does partnerships differently. We meet Partners at the intersection of inspirational ideas, thorough research and applied action.

Partnerships with TED leverage everything that makes TED, TED: our global, research-based ideas; our live, knowledge-sharing conferences and events; our TED Talk content and format; and our progressive approach to education through storytelling. A partnership with TED is truly unique, immersive and meaningful. It has the power to create change, to transform minds and perspectives and to shift cultures within organizations.

But, enough about us; this is about you.

Whatever your brand challenge, TED’s global culture of innovation has a set of solutions: flagship conferences, custom events, custom content, professional development and smart media strategies, brought together in a way that’s uniquely tailored for you.

You have a world-changing idea worth sharing. TED will give you a stage.

Want proof? We thought you might.

60 million


unique viewers*

every second

35 people watch

a TED Talk


trust the brand

66% feel that our advertisers share TED's values

You have a challenge

Every Partner has a challenge as unique as the organization itself. What TED Partnerships knows is that when you look closely, each and every challenge is rooted in managing or striving for positive change and impact.




Brand repositioning

“We need... to connect with thought leaders to share a new brand mission and message.”

Culture building

“We need.... unique ways to recharge creatively and reinvigorate connections between our brand mission and the world at-large.”

Managing through disruption

“We need... a flexible, yet powerful platform to help us rethink complex problems, inside and out – from internal professional development to marketable brand awareness.”




Showcasing thought leadership

“We need... compelling ways to position our brand at the forefront of innovative thinking.”

Launching a product or service

“We need... to tell a captivating story about the evolution, development, and ambition of a new product, reaching influential early adopters.”

Idea mining

“We need... to find and tell the incredible stories from across our organization that are often overlooked. We need to bring these stories to the forefront and share them with the world through a compelling format that resonates with people.”




Insights gathering

“We need... to tap into the world's most innovative thinkers to ponder what's new and what's next – listening, learning, and sharing our own perspective.”

Professional development

“We need... to enhance our own internal storytelling to improve ongoing brand development, recruitment and retention efforts.”

CSR initiative

“We align with a trusted, mission-oriented partner to share our dedication to corporate sustainability, responsible business and corporate citizenship.”

A unique challenge needs a one-of-a-kind solution

“We need... to talk.”

We have solutions

We’ve made a name for ourselves by unearthing and amplifying world-changing ideas. This is what we do best. We excel at bringing out ideas in our partners, either by inviting you into our world, injecting a bit of TED into yours, or better yet, dreaming up a combination of the two.

We've done the work

Our goal is to work with each partner individually to ensure personalized and impactful programs that leverage TED’s myriad solutions.











Tommy Hilfiger


Contact for more information



*this is O&O (18M) and YouTube (40M)