Too much time spent with no purpose is associated with unhappiness. If you want to live a satisfying, long life, neuroscientist Daniel Levitin has some advice for you: Stay busy.

Body language is so much more than moving one’s hands or waving one’s arms — and it’s also something we should all get comfortable with using, says communications expert David JP Phillips.

People who have greater levels of self-compassion tend to be more motivated, less lazy, and more successful over time. But just as important, they like themselves, even when they fall short. Psychologist Susan David explains how you can cultivate this quality.

Welcome to”Dear Guy,” TED’s new advice column from NYC psychologist Guy Winch. This week, he helps a reader who is dealing with family members who are expressing political negativity on social media.

Which is the bigger threat to wildlife: Radioactivity or humans? Wildlife ecologist Jim Beasley has gone into the contaminated zones around Chernobyl and Fukushima to learn the answer, and his findings are both sobering and inspiring.

It’s a myth that startups are the world’s drivers of innovation — in fact, company employees are the primary sources of new ideas. But before you can propose them, you need to identify beliefs that are getting in your way. Here’s how, from innovation expert Kaihan Krippendorff.

Most of us feel scared about speaking in public, and in response, we either rehearse incessantly — or we stop doing it altogether. Neuroscientist Anwesha Banerjee has this suggestion: Why not get used to it?