Our Official Artist Channels

We’ve launched our Official Artist Channels, designed as a one-stop-shop to help artists engage with millions of fans around the world.

Whether you’re signed or independent, you can get rewarded for your work.

What’s more, for you this means greater ownership of your presence across the platform, including on our new YouTube Music app.

Learn more about Official Artist Channels

Connect with fans in unique ways

It’s all about meaningful and real connections! With Community, YouTube provides artists with a unique way to amplify their music by directly engaging with millions of fans.

You can use Community posts to interact with your audience through text, live videos, images, animated GIFs, and more.

You can respond to comments, read private messages, see your credited videos or view your channel’s subscriber list.

Learn more about Community

Go live with the world

It’s never been easier to give fans a sneak peek, bring them behind-the-scenes or make a big announcement.

You can reach millions with just a touch and bring them along on your journey.

Learn more about Live

Promote your tour and sell tickets

Whether on platform or off, YouTube is committed to helping artists build meaningful connections with fans.

Now, you can promote your live events on YouTube.

If you’re going on tour in the United States, and selling tickets via Ticketmaster or Eventbrite, YouTube can feature your tour dates within your video watch pages.

Learn more about Ticketing

YouTube Analytics

One of the most advanced suite of analytics to help you be in the know. Learn more about how your fans around the world engage with your work. Connect with them when and where it matters.

Learn more about analytics

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