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Microsoft Teams App Development Scholarship 2020 Program
Registration extended to January 31, 2020

Image of Santarini

Microsoft Teams App Development Scholarship 2020 Program
Registration extended to January 31, 2020

Build solutions that harness the power of the Office 365 platform.
Explore our code samples and SDKs on any platform.
Expand the reach of your solution to new customers, partners, and markets.

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Get resources

Microsoft Graph
Use the Microsoft Graph API to connect to the data that drives productivity: mail, calendar, contacts, documents, directory, devices, and more.
Office UI Fabric
The official front-end framework for building experiences that fit seamlessly into Office and Office 365.
Developer Tools
Use our developer tools to build solutions for consumer and professional markets.
Script Lab
Script lab is an Office JavaScript API tool for anyone who wants to learn about writing Office add-ins for Excel, Word, or PowerPoint.

Explore solutions

State of Hawaii governement offices
State of Hawaii increases government efficiency through enhanced paperless services from Adobe and Microsoft
By reducing the amount of paper, the government issues by adopting digital processes such as support for electronic documents and signatures using Adobe Sign together with SharePoint Workflows, State of Hawaii cut cost and deliver citizen services as efficiently as possible.
Image of Embry-Riddle classroom
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Dr. Yan Tang uses Poll Everywhere + Office 365 to show engineering students what they’ve learned
Poll Everywhere turns a one-way presentation into an engaging conversation with the audience, using live audience response activities in PowerPoint slides.
Image of three Deutsche employees
Deutsche Telecom – Detecon Group uses WorkBoard and Office 365 to set, measure and execute strategic priorities
WorkBoard has created tools designed to close the strategy-execution gap. Detecon, the consulting practice at Deutsche Telecom, uses WorkBoard and its deep integration with the Office 365 app ecosystem to fully engage and work with results at high velocity.