stage indicator - apply for a grant

Sample Applications & More

Several NIAID investigators have graciously agreed to share their exceptional applications and summary statements as samples to help the research community. Below the list of applications, you’ll also find example forms, sharing plans, letters, emails, and more. Find more guidance at NIAID’s Apply for a Grant.

Always follow your funding opportunity's instructions for application format. Although these applications demonstrate good grantsmanship, time has passed since these grantees applied. The samples may not reflect the latest format or rules. NIAID posts new samples periodically.

The text of these applications is copyrighted. You may use it only for nonprofit educational purposes provided the document remains unchanged and the PI, the grantee organization, and NIAID are credited.

Note on Section 508 Conformance and Accessibility: We have reformatted these samples to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and users of assistive technology. If you have trouble accessing the content, please contact the NIAID Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at

Table of Contents

Find sample applications and summary statements below by type:

Also see NIAID and NIH Sample Forms, Plans, Letters, Emails, and More

Research Grants

R01 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The R01 is the NIH standard independent research project grant. An R01 is meant to give you four or five years of support to complete a project, publish, and reapply before the grant ends. Read more at NIAID’s Comparing Popular Research Project Grants: R01, R03, or R21.

R01 Samples Using Forms Version D
PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Vernita Gordon, Ph.D., of the University of Texas at Austin
“Assessing the roles of biofilm structure and mechanics in pathogenic, persistent infections” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Monica Gandhi, M.D., of the University of California, San Francisco
“Hair Extensions: Using Hair Levels to Interpret Adherence, Effectiveness and Pharmacokinetics with Real-World Oral PrEP, the Vaginal Ring, and Injectables” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Tom Muir, Ph.D., of Princeton University
"Peptide Autoinducers of Staphylococcal Pathogenicity" (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

R01 Samples Using Forms Version C
PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

William Faubion, Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic Rochester
“Inflammatory cascades disrupt Treg function through epigenetic mechanisms” (Forms-C)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Chengwen Li, Ph.D., and Richard Samulski, Ph.D., of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Enhance AAV Liver Transduction with Capsid Immune Evasion” (Forms-C)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Mengxi Jiang, Ph.D., of University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Intersection of polyomavirus infection and host cellular responses” (Forms-C)

Summary Statement
Full Application

R03 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The small grant (R03) supports new research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. They are awarded for up to two years and are not renewable. R03s are not intended for new investigators. Read more at NIAID’s Comparing Popular Research Project Grants: R01, R03, or R21.

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Martin Karplus, Ph.D., of Harvard University
"Modeling atomic structure of the EmrE multidrug pump to design inhibitor peptides" (Forms-B2)

Full Application

Chad A. Rappleye, Ph.D., of Ohio State University
"Forward genetics-based discovery of Histoplasma virulence genes" (Forms-B2)

Summary Statement
Full Application

R15 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The Research Enhancement Award (R15) program supports small-scale research projects to expose students to research and strengthen the research environment at educational institutions that have not been major recipients of NIH support. They are awarded for up to three years.

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Artem Domashevskiy, Ph.D., of John Jay College of Criminal Justice
“Development of a Novel Inhibitor of Ricin: A Potential Therapeutic Lead against Deadly Shiga and Related Toxins” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Rahul Raghavan, Ph.D., of Portland State University
"Elucidating the evolution of Coxiella to uncover critical metabolic pathways" (Forms-D)
Summary Statement
Full Application

R21 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The R21 funds novel scientific ideas, model systems, tools, agents, targets, and technologies that have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research. R21s are not intended for new investigators, and there is no evidence that they provide a path to an independent research career. Read more at NIAID’s Comparing Popular Research Project Grants: R01, R03, or R21.

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Steven W. Dow, D.V.M., Ph.D., of Colorado State University, Fort Collins
"Mechanisms of enteric Burkholderia psuedomallei infection" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Joseph M. McCune, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of California, San Francisco
"Human immune system layering and the neonatal response to vaccines" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Peter John Myler, Ph.D., and Marilyn Parsons, Ph.D., of the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
"Ribosome profiling of Trypanosoma brucei" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Howard T. Petrie, Ph.D., of Scripps Florida
"Lymphoid signals for stromal growth and organization in the thymus." (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Michael N. Starnbach, Ph.D., of Harvard University Medical School
"Alteration of host protein stability by Legionella" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

R21/R33 Sample Application and Summary Statement

The R21/R33 supports a two-phased award without a break in funding. It begins with the R21 phase for milestone-driven exploratory or feasibility studies with a possible transition to the R33 phase for expanded development. Transition to the second phase depends on several factors, including the achievement of negotiated milestones.

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Stephen Dewhurst, Ph.D., of the University of Rochester
"The semen enhancer of HIV infection as a novel microbicide target" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Small Business Grants

R41, R42, R43, and R44 – Small Business Sample Applications

The SBIR (R43/R44) and STTR (R41/R42) programs support domestic small businesses to engage in research and development with the potential for commercialization. Read more about NIAID Small Business Programs.

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Benjamin Delbert Brooks, Ph.D., of Wasatch Microfluidics
“High-throughput, multiplexed characterization and modeling of antibody:antigen binding, with application to HSV” (SBIR Phase I / R43, Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Kenneth Coleman, Ph.D., of Arietis Corporation
"Antibiotics for Recalcitrant Infection" (SBIR Fast-Track, Forms-B1)

Full Application

Timothy C. Fong, Ph.D., of Cellerant Therapeutics, Inc.
"Novel indication for myeloid progenitor use: Induction of tolerance" (STTR Phase I / R41, Forms-B2)

Full Application

Jose M. Galarza, Ph.D., of Technovax, Inc.
"Broadly protective (universal) virus-like particle (VLP) based influenza vaccine" (SBIR Phase I / R43, Forms-B2)

Full Application

Patricia Garrett, Ph.D., of Immunetics, Inc.
"Rapid Test for Recent HIV Infection" (SBIR Phase II / R44, Forms-B1)

Full Application

Raymond Houghton, Ph.D., of InBios International, and David AuCoin, Ph.D., of University of Nevada School of Medicine
"Antigen Detection assay for the Diagnosis of Melioidosis" (STTR Phase II / R42, Forms-B1)

Full Application

Yingru Liu, Ph.D., of TherapyX, Inc.
“Experimental Gonococcal Vaccine” (SBIR Phase II / R44, Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Michael J. Lochhead, Ph.D., of MBio Diagnostics, Inc.
"Point-of-Care HIV Antigen/Antibody Diagnostic Device" (SBIR Phase II / R44, Forms-B2)

Full Application

Mark Poritz*, Ph.D., of BioFire Diagnostics, LLC.
"Rapid, automated, detection of viral and bacterial pathogens causing meningitis" (SBIR Phase I / R43, Forms-B1)

Full Application

James Smith, Ph.D., of Sano Chemicals, Inc.
“Lead Compound Discovery from Engineered Analogs of Occidiofungin” (STTR Phase I / R41, Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

David H. Wagner, Ph.D., of OP-T-MUNE, Inc.
“Developing a small peptide to control autoimmune inflammation in type 1 diabetes" (STTR Phase I / R41, Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

*Dr. Mark Poritz submitted the original grant application. In the course of the first year of funding, Dr. Andrew Hemmert took on increasing responsibility for the work. For the grant renewal, Dr. Poritz proposed that Dr. Hemmert replace him as the PI.

Training and Career Awards

K01 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The Research Scientist Development Award (K01) supports those with a research or health-professional doctoral degree and research development plans in epidemiology, computational modeling, or outcomes research. Read more about NIAID Career Development Awards (K).

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Lilliam Ambroggio, Ph.D., of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
“Metabolomics Evaluation of the Etiology of Pneumonia” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Peter Rebeiro, Ph.D., of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center
"The HIV Care Continuum and Health Policy: Changes through Context and Geography" (Forms-D)
Summary Statement
Full Application

K08 Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08) supports those with current work in biomedical or behavioral research, including translational research, a clinical doctoral degree such as M.D., D.V.M., or O.D., and a professional license to practice in the United States. Read more about NIAID Career Development Awards (K).

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Lenette Lu, M.D., Ph.D., of the Massachusetts General Hospital
“Antibody Mediated Mechanisms of Immune Modulation in Tuberculosis” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

Tuan Manh Tran, M.D., Ph.D., of the Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
“Defining clinical and sterile immunity to Plasmodium falciparum infection using systems biology approaches” (Forms-D)

Summary Statement
Full Application

F31-Diversity Sample Applications and Summary Statements

The F31-Diversity supports predoctoral students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, those with disabilities, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. It also provides individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors. Read more about NIAID Fellowship Grants (F).

PI and Grantee Institution Application Resources

Adjoa R. Smalls-Mantey, M.D., of Columbia University Health Sciences
"Characterization of Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity in HIV Infection" (Forms-B1)

Summary Statement and Full Application

Juan Calix, M.D., Ph.D., of University of Alabama at Birmingham
"The role of wcjE disruption in pneumococcal serotype 11A humoral escape" (Forms-B)

Summary Statement and Full Application

NIAID and NIH Sample Forms, Plans, Letters, Emails, and More



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