Welcome to CACREP


CACREP accredits master’s and doctoral degree programs in counseling and its specialties that are offered by colleges and universities in the United States and throughout the world.

More and more programs are seeking CACREP accreditation. There are over 870 specialty areas and programs at 405 colleges and universities, and counting!

The 2023 Standards Revision Process

The 2023 Standards Revision Committee has begun the process of reviewing and revising the 2023 Standards. Future annoucements and opportunities for feedback will be forthcoming. Read More

The 2023 Standards Revision Process
Why Attend an Accredited Program?
Why should your program become accredited?
Why Become a Professional Counselor?

Find CACREP Programs

Use our interactive searchable directory to find CACREP accredited programs.



Exciting News on Occupational Series and VA Hiring

New Law Opens the Federal Government to Mental Health Counselors.

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Public Notice of Accreditation Decisions: July 2020

The Board met on July 9-11, 2020 and made the following July 2020 Accreditation Decisions.

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Message from CACREP Board Chair

Dear Counseling Community, The COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted our world, nation, and profession into an unparalleled era.

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How to Write A CACREP Self-Study Workshop
Tuesday, December 8 — Wednesday, December 9, 2020

THIS EVENT IS FULL - This hands-on workshop will address the process of preparing to write your CACREP Self-Study.

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How to Write A CACREP Self-Study Workshop
Wednesday, February 24 — Thursday, February 25, 2021

This hands-on workshop will address the process of preparing to write your CACREP Self-Study.

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How to Write A CACREP Self-Study Workshop
Wednesday, March 24 — Thursday, March 25, 2021

This hands-on workshop will address the process of preparing to write your CACREP Self-Study.

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