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JAMA Conferences image
Conference Publications

A collection of JAMA Network articles published to coincide with specialty society conferences.


JAMA JNC8 image
Guidelines for Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults

Read the 2014 JNC8 Report and the 2017 ACC/AHA and 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Audio image
JAMA Network Audio

Editors' summaries, author interviews, and more from podcasts across 12 JAMA Network journals. Listen and subscribe now.


JAMA Machine Learning image
Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

A collection of resources about advances in artificial intelligence in health care and medicine.


JAMA Opioids image
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, 2016

Read the 2016 guideline from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Sepsis image
Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock from JAMA Network

Read The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Art and Images in Psychiatry image
Art and Images in Psychiatry

A gallery of fine art representations of mental health and illness


JAMA Genetics image
Genomics and Precision Health

An online resource to help clinicians and the public understand the latest in precision medicine


JAMA Statins image
2016 recommendation from USPSTF on statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease

Read the 2016 recommendation from the United States Preventive Services Task Force

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Colon Cancer Screening image
2016 recommendation from USPSTF on screening for colorectal cancer

Read the 2016 recommendation from the United States Preventive Services Task Force

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Network Open image
JAMA Network Open

JAMA Network Open publishes original research and commentary on clinical care, health policy, and global health

Website | Editorial

JAMA Breast Cancer Screening image
Breast Cancer Screening 2015 Guideline Update from the American Cancer Society

The latest recommendations about breast cancer screening from the American Cancer Society in their 2015 Guideline Update

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Declaration of Helsinki image
Ethical Principles for Medical Research

The Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, and Declaration of Geneva provide a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation and clinical care

Declaration | Collection

JAMA Depression Screening image
2016 recommendation from USPSTF on screening for depression in adults

Read the 2016 recommendation from the United States Preventive Services Task Force

Guideline | Collection

JAMA Patient Pages image
For Patients

Explore the latest patient information from JAMA Network, including easy-to-understand information about prevention and management of common illnesses


JAMA Fishbein Fellowship image
The Morris Fishbein Fellowship in Medical Editing

A unique one-year fellowship opportunity offered by JAMA to introduce physicians to all facets of editing and publishing a major medical journal
