Inspiring opportunities

As a student in the College of Visual Arts and Design, you’ll develop the skills you need to launch your career.

Joanna Tang

“The professors recognize talent, but they also help you grow. At CVAD they have the bar set really high. They make sure people reach that bar.”

Joanna Tang
Communication Design student

Our Programs

Art is a condition of the human spirit, a drive to understand the world around us and our place in that world. It's a shout into the virtual unknown that what we do, see, think, feel and express matters. It is the act of designing a new visual solution, making a mark on paper, sculpting in a new medium, pursuing scholarly research or attempting to explain what may be essentially unexplainable. It is a way to say that the singularity of who we are has relevance — a relevance that can be found, shared and nurtured in a community of fellow artists, designers and scholars. Art is important, and that importance resonates through all the programs in our college.

The University of North Texas houses one of the nation's most comprehensive visual arts schools at a public university, offering 30 undergraduate and graduate degree programs and concentrations in areas ranging form Art History to Communication Design to New Media Art. The college includes several institutes and centers, as well as art galleries to showcase student and professional work. CVAD offers the first and only Ph.D. program in Art Education in Texas and an M.F.A. program ranked 59th nationally. CVAD is home to some of the highest rated art and design programs in the southern United States.

Faculty and Students

The College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas is a dynamic community of more than 2,200 people, including 2,100 students and more than 125 faculty and staff members. Our students, faculty and staff come to UNT from all over the world.