2013 Artists' Books Competition Exhibit

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Entries in the seventh Artists’ Books Competition and Exhibition will be on display in the Willis Library Forum, Room 140 from January 24 - June 13, 2014. Sponsored by the Friends of the UNT Libraries, this bi-annual contest is open to UNT faculty, staff, students, and the community at large.

Artists’ books date to the early medieval period and may be created with handwritten texts that are merged with illustrations, fabric covers, scrolls, foldout content or loose items contained in a box. These books may or may not have content that can be read, and may be produced as one-of-a-kind objects.

Adam Rowlett is the purchase prize winner of the UNT Libraries Biennial Artists’ Books Competition and Exhibition 2013 for his book, Heavens. Heavens is described by the artist as “a short, illustrated narrative employing geometric abstractions.” Rowlett was named Best New Artist by the Dallas Observer in 2012 and is a graduate student at UNT (MFA ‘14). His work will be cataloged and permanently added to the Libraries’ artists’ book collection. Heavens is currently on display in the Judge Sarah T. Hughes Reading Room, Willis Library, Room 437.
