
News and Events

US Presidential Transition

A special edition of Policy News tracks changes in federal government of concern to science, as President-elect Trump prepares to take office in 2017. Find the latest update on ESA’s news page, Ecotone.

» Transition Tracker

2017 ESA Graduate Student Policy Award

Call for applications

Travel to Washington, DC on 24-26 April 2017 to participate in the Biological and Ecological Sciences Coalition Congressional Visits Day

» Apply

2016 ESA election results

Congratulations to Laura F. Huenneke (President-elect), Evan DeLucia (Vice President for Finance), Frank Davis (Vice President for Public Affairs), Gillian Bowser (Member-at-Large), Damian Preziosi and Sylvie Brouder (Board of Professional Certification). Thank you to all who voted.

» Results


New Series in Ecology: The Scientific Naturalist

  –Now Accepting Submissions

Ecology is launching a new series — The Scientific Naturalist — which continues the very successful Natural History Notes series in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

All submissions to The Scientific Naturalist will include a photo and showcase in an accompanying essay the natural histories of organisms, opening up questions or new hypotheses. Submissions about animals, plants, fungi, or microorganisms are all welcome. See an example here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fee.1306/full

Papers, including photos, should be submitted to: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ecology. Be sure to read the description in the Author Guidelines before submitting your manuscript.

Conservation for people and nature: Lynn Scarlett opens the 2016 Annual Meeting

The worldwide Managing Director for Public Policy at The Nature Conservancy addressed the intersecting needs of people and nature and the integration of science in decision-making at the Opening Plenary of the 101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society on Sunday 7 August 2016 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.