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Welcome to MarineBio!

We invite you to explore the depths of MarineBio and find out about marine species, ocean conservation, research, and 101+ Ways to Make a Difference Today.

Learn more about MarineBio and Our Mission and welcome to our rapidly growing community here at the MarineBio Conservation Society.

Society donations and memberships are vital to keeping MarineBio online and growing. Join us today and help make a real difference.

Join the MarineBio Conservation SocietyMarineBio is a U.S. 501(c)3 charitable, nonprofit organization and is supported entirely by donations and Society memberships. Our network is maintained by volunteer marine biologists, students, professors, and conservation advocates around the world. We all work together to share the wonders of the ocean realm while also promoting science education and inspiring awareness and action in marine conservation, research, and a sea ethic.

Make your voice heard by participating in our forums, our blog or at any of our social networking sites: Facebook, Facebook Groups, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.. Together our efforts are making the difference needed so that our ocean's many wonderful species will hopefully be able to thrive and survive. There is still much to do, so join us and get involved today so that we can all benefit from a healthy and plentiful ocean once again.

MarineBio is an evolving tribute to all ocean life and has been a central source online for the latest information concerning marine life and its biology, and especially its conservation, since 1998.

Ocean Life News

Marine ConservationMarine Conservation

Find out about the issues marine life currently faces and what we can all do to help (and why we should). Hear from leading scientists and advocates about the science involved in Marine Conservation Biology and discover what organizations around the world are also doing in the fight to save our ocean, its life and ultimately ourselves. For a wonderful introduction to wildlife conservation, check out the 12 essays by Dr. Moyle and join the discussions in our forums and our blog, on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

Marine LifeMarine Life

Sharing the wonder of marine life is what started MarineBio, so in this section we explore information on the science, biology, taxonomy, morphology, etc. of the fascinating marine life that inhabits our ocean. Browse our marine life databases where we're currently working to provide the best home pages for the most common and threatened marine species.

Many amazing volunteers from around the world are pitching in to help increase our number of available marine species and your donations and memberships are really helping to make that happen!

The OceanThe Ocean

This evolving section explores just some of what is known about our ocean and basically provides an online introduction to marine biology and ocean science. Here we begin the journey into this planet's largest living space — The Ocean.

Find out more about the history of the ocean, its chemistry, its currents and tides and its various habitats or zones such as the continental shelves, the open ocean and the deep sea.

Charles DarwinEducation & Careers

For current and future students of marine science, we provide updated links to resources, academic institutions, and marine labs offering curricula in the various disciplines related to the study of the ocean and marine life.

We also provide job resources for those completing their studies: Careers & Education @Plankton Forums

CousteauExplore & Discover

MarineBio's marine science quizzes, MarineBio kids, interesting ocean facts, ocean mysteries, scuba diving, and submarines! Check out our expedition photo galleries and great videos of marine life such as the flamboyant cuttlefishes, scorpionfishes, sea slugs and the rare white V octopus. Stop by our Amazon bookshop and buy selected ocean-related books and DVDs and MarineBio's Ocean Gear Shop with cool t-shirts, prints, calendars and much more... all proceeds go directly toward our conservation and research projects.

Captain NemoDeep Resources

Professionals in the marine sciences are an important part of the MarineBio community. MarineBio's resources provide a convenient clearinghouse of information and links to academic resources including: Relevant journals ~ Reference books ~ Online research tools (databases etc.) ~ Worldwide marine conservation organizations ~ Aquariums around the world ~ The Plankton Forums ~ Marine life hourly news...

The ocean is our earth's greatest natural resource. It is the place of origin for most life forms. Millions of people rely on the ocean for survival. Twelve million fishermen operate three million vessels landing around 90 million tons of fish each year, providing work for over 200 million people worldwide.

More than 60% of the global population live within 60 km of the coast. The ocean provides the majority of our oxygen and the rain itself. The ocean buffers the weather and helps regulate global temperature and manages vast amounts of our pollutants. More than 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide are absorbed by the ocean every year.

Planet OceanThe ocean is home to some of the most amazing creatures on earth, ~80% of the world's biodiversity lives in the sea and there is still so much to be discovered. At least 100 million unnamed species live on the ocean floor alone. Thousands of pharmaceutical compounds have been isolated from marine animals and plants. The cures for HIV/AIDs, cancer, malaria, tuberculosis and leukemia, etc. could lie beneath the waves. The ocean is in our backyard, yet more is known about the Moon and Mars. We are just now beginning to understand the ocean and with that understanding comes the increasing realization that the ocean is in deep trouble. Marine conservation efforts so far are simply overwhelmed by the number and scale of the problems the ocean faces.

Please learn more about the ocean, its life, the problems it faces, and what you can do today to help protect and restore it, for all of us.

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Help us continue to share the wonders of the ocean with the world, raise awareness of marine conservation issues and their solutions, and support marine conservation scientists and students involved in the marine life sciences. Join the MarineBio Conservation Society or make a donation today. We would like to sincerely thank all of our members, donors, and sponsors, we simply could not have achieved what we have without you and we look forward to doing even more.