Welcome to UCAN

Our Mission:

University Counselor Advisor Network was created as a forum for sharing ideas and exchanging information related to advising services at the University of North Texas.  A primary goal is to provide its members with opportunities for professional development, recognition, and peer support, ultimately building a network of resources to enhance student success in college.  Equally important is the representation and promotion of the interests of academic advising within the larger university community.


Who We Are:

UCAN members are dynamic professionals, communicators, and mediators between students, faculty, and the administration.  As academic advisors and counselors, we help guide students through their college career by actively listening to their beliefs, values, and expectations and by providing options and resources to support their goals.


What We Do:

  • Provide a network for the sharing of ideas

  • Meet on a monthly basis, with a planned agenda and informal discussion

  • Invite speakers from various departments from campus to provide updates on campus policies and procedures

  • Connect UCAN members to advising resources & each other

We have the most direct contact with new students during orientation periods.  We provide continuity throughout the student's academic experiences.  We view each student's situation as unique.  Academic advisors and counselors aid students with the following processes: curriculum choices, registration, degree requirements, major and career selections, interpreting university policies, referrals, and information concerning campus resources.  Academic advisors and counselors have varied perspectives on the student body and the institutional rules affecting students.