Summer Orientation 2020 Testing

Scheduled for June 5-6, TAMS Summer Orientation includes placement testing for chemistry and mathematics enrollment. Students will take a chemistry placement exam and those results will determine whether or not a student takes General Chemistry or Honors Chemistry. (Note: A student who places into Honors Chemistry can elect to take General Chemistry as long as they notify by July 1.) Likewise, students will take at least one math placement test, which will determine if a student places into Precalculus or Calculus I. Students who think they possess advanced math skills can elect to take a second math placement test that will determine if they place into Calculus I or Calculus II. Finally, students who have taken AP Calculus AB/BC may elect to take a third math placement that may allow them to take math courses above Calculus II. All three math placement exams will be administered at Summer Orientation, June 5-6, and scored by the math department at UNT. Based on student results, the math faculty will inform TAMS of math placement results, and course enrollments are final regardless of courses a student completed in high school.

For students who do not attend Summer Orientation June 5-6, we are providing a make-up testing date—for the math placement only—on June 26. Due to summer staffing and math department limitations, students will only be allowed to take two math placement exams, if they feel they are better equipped for Calculus I or II. Again, the math department will score these exams and determine students’ math placement, which are final regardless of courses a student completed in high school.

Summer Orientation 2020 Testing Schedule

  1. Precalculus/Calculus I placement test = Friday evening TBD (No calculator allowed)
  2. Chemistry/Honors Chemistry placement test = Saturday morning 8-9:15 am (Non-programmable calculator permitted)
  3. Calculus I/Calculus II placement test = Saturday morning 10:30 am-12 pm (Non-graphing calculator permitted; TI-83 and TI-84 prohibited)
  4. Calculus III or higher placement test = Saturday afternoon = 5-6:30 pm Note: If you haven’t seen integration using partial fractions, Taylor or Maclaurin series, or the ratio test for convergence of an infinite series, then you shouldn’t take the Calculus III (multivariable calculus) placement test.

Students Not Attending Summer Orientation Make-Up Testing Date = June 26, 2020

  1. Precalculus/Calculus I placement test = 9-10:15 am
  2. Calculus I/Calculus II placement test = 10:30 am-12 pm
  3. No Chemistry placement test = Students will be placed in General Chemistry in Fall 2020

Students admitted after June 26, 2020, will be placed in General Chemistry and Precalculus unless the student scored a 5 on AP Calculus AB/BC AND has a SAT Math score of 750 or higher.  If the latter conditions apply, TAMS will allow the student to enroll in Calculus I in Fall 2020.