What is an Advisor?

Your academic advisor is one of the best resources for academic information and educational/career goal planning assistance. Academic advising is your guide to success and graduation.

At orientation you will have time to talk to your academic advisor and plan your classes for the upcoming semester.  We recommend you visit with your academic advisor each semester prior to registration to help track progress toward your education and career goals.

Advisement plays an important role in guiding your educational experience at UNT, and advisors are active in:

  • Assisting you with your major, minor and certification program planning
  • Working with you in your selection of specific courses to satisfy degree requirements
  • Clarifying university policies and procedures
  • Responding to your questions and concerns
  • Encouraging you to see advisement as a continuous process
  • Supporting your academic development and success

It is your responsibility to plan and complete your degree program in accordance with departmental and university requirements. Be proactive and meet with your advisor while planning classes each semester.