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Our department has taken part in distinguished and published research in the field of rehabilitation. Below is a archived list of some of these articles.


Post Date Research Article Link
10/20/2016 J. S. Pfaller W.-M. Tu B. Morrison F. Chan L. Owens C. A. Anderson S. Fitzgerald J. Brooks F. E. Menz "Social-Cognitive Predictors of Readiness to Use Evidence-Based Practice: A Survey of Community-Based Rehabilitation Practitioners"
10/20/2016 Prybutok, G. “Impact of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region Express Outreach Awards 2011-2013.”
9/13/2016 Minor, T., Chowdhury, D., & Flowers, C. (2016). Recruitment, retention, and mentoring for diversity among Rehabilitation Counselor educators. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education, 31(2), 21-34.
9/13/2016 Chowdhury, D. (2016). Understanding and reporting violence as experienced by women with disabilities: Role of the vocational rehabilitation administrator. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 39(1),15-28.
6/29/2016 Umucu, E., Lee, B., Wu, J. R., Chan, F., Blake, J., Brooks, J., & Catalano, D. (2016) Self-efficacy as a mediator for the relationship between secure attachment style and employment status in individuals with spinal cord injuries.
6/29/2016 Tansey, T. N., Bezyak, J., Kaya, C., Ditchman, N., & Catalano, D. (2016). Resilience and quality of life: An investigation of Kumpfer’s resilience model with persons with spinal cord injuries. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1 – 12, DOI: 10.1177/00343
1/29/2016 Pain coping profiles in workers’ compensation clients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: A cluster analysis
1/29/2016 Social-cognitive predictors of readiness to use evidence-based practice: A survey of community-based rehabilitation practitioners.
1/29/2016 Vocational rehabilitation as public health intervention for young African American men with substance use disorders.
1/29/2016 Physical and cognitive-affective factors associated with fatigue in individuals with fibromyalgia: A multiple regression analysis.
1/29/2016 Prediction of employment outcomes among veterans with substance use disorders: A chi-squared interaction detector analysis