UNT Love Yo Self Week 2019

UNT Students Encouraged to Love Themselves through Week of Activities

Fri, 03/22/2019 - 08:03 | Written for: Counseling and Testing Services DSA News

UNT Love Yo Self Week 2019In order to promote positive body images and eating disorder awareness to students, UNT observed National Eating Disorders Awareness Week with Love Yo’ Self Week, held Feb. 23 through March 1. Counseling and Testing Services, in conjunction with the Student Health and Wellness Center and Recreational Sports, offered students several free events during the week to show them the importance of loving themselves and having positive images of themselves.

Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes and affect people of all gender identities and ethnicities. More importantly, eating disorders can have severe negative health and emotional consequences, and they can result in death, so it was important for UNT to raise awareness of this issue.

The week began with the Denton NEDA Walk and Body Positive Yoga, held on Feb. 23, which provided the Denton community with better awareness of different forms of eating disorders while raising more than $4,000 for the National Eating Disorders Association.

UNT Love Yo Self Week 2019Other events during Love Yo’ Self Week included:

  • Mindful Munching
  • Body Positive Strength Circuit
  • Love Yo’ Self Week Table
  • Vinyasa Flow Yoga
  • Dog Hour with Rockstar the Therapy Dog
  • Zumba
  • Sunrise Yoga
  • Self-Care and Succulents

“We were honored to have an attendance of about 480 people at the various events throughout the week, and truly hope that it allowed people struggling with eating disorders and body image struggles to know they are not alone and there is both hope and help,” said Steffanie Grossman, licensed psychologist, outreach & groups coordinator and eating disorders & body image services specialist.

For more information on eating disorders and how to get help, visit http://studentaffairs.unt.edu/student-health-and-wellness-center/services/beatED or contact the Body Image and Eating Awareness Team at 940-565-2333.

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Contact: Ray Willhoft, 940-565-2464, raymond.willhoft@unt.edu