Mentored Research

An Honors Mentored Research course allows you to earn Honors credit while conducting research under the mentorship of a UNT faculty member. Working as a research assistant on a faculty member’s research project is the most common form of mentored research but other semester-long research experiences are also appropriate. Once your Mentored Research Proposal is approved by the Honors College, you will be enrolled in a 2996 (for freshman and sophomores) or 3996 (for juniors and seniors) course in your faculty mentor’s department. You will meet one-on-one with your faculty mentor during the semester as you complete your research project. You should plan to spend as much time on a Mentored Research course as you would for a regular course (10-12 hours per week).

What is the difference between mentored research and a thesis?

 A mentored research experience lasts one semester while completing a thesis is a multi-semester process. Both require independent student research, but mentored research projects may be designed and/or primarily executed by the supervising faculty member. For an Honors thesis, the student is responsible for all aspects of the project’s planning and execution, with the supervising faculty member playing a more advisory role. Students that complete Honors theses are also required to participate in a public thesis defense.

Who is eligible to enroll in an Honors Mentored Research course?

You are eligible if you have been a member of the Honors College for at least one semester and have taken at least one Honors course. Students may count up to 6 mentored research hours towards an Honors award. 

How do I get registered for a Mentored Research course?

You must enlist the support of a permanent UNT faculty member to supervise your research experience. There is no obligation for a faculty member to participate in an Honors Mentored Research course. Once you have identified a faculty mentor set up a meeting and discuss the following information:

  • The purpose of the research,
  • Your specific responsibilities for research,
  • How often you will meet with your faculty mentor,
  • A description of the final research product you will submit for a grade.

Once these details have been discussed with your mentor please write up a 250-word research proposal covering the information above. Your faculty member and their department chair will sign this written proposal, and you will submit the document through the online Mentored Research proposal webform found through the link below. Proposals must be submitted by the first day of the Spring or Fall semester in which you will complete the course. For summer Mentored Research courses, proposals must be received in the Honors College by Reading Day of the Spring semester.

The Honors College will review your proposal and notify you by email if it is approved, disapproved, or if additional information is required.

How will I be graded?

Submit your final research product to your faculty mentor and to the Honors College no later than Reading Day. Your faculty member will determine the criteria for assigning your letter grade. You are only eligible for Honors credit if you earn a grade of A or B in the course.

Near the end of the semester, the Honors College will ask your faculty member whether they approve or disapprove of the quantity and quality of the research you have done during the semester. If your faculty mentor says that your research does not merit Honors credit, you will not receive it. The Honors College also reviews all completed Mentored Research projects and reserves the right to deny Honors credit if the submitted project is inappropriate or lacking in the quality or quantity of work necessary for Honors credit.

You will receive a notification by email once your project has been reviewed.

What else do I need to know about Mentored Research?

If you undertake an Honors Mentored Research course and do not successfully complete it, you will be ineligible for future Mentored Research courses.

Remember that the UNT Policy on Academic Integrity and the policies for the responsible conduct of research are in effect for all work.

Mentored Research Resources