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10th Annual Medieval Graduate Symposium

Medieval Symposium AnnouncementAs UNT and the College of Visual Arts and Design build a fabulous new Art building, some of our regularly scheduled events have, out of necessity, been put on hiatus because of space constraints.
Unfortunately, this applies to the AVISTA Medieval Graduate Student Symposium, scheduled for March 2017.  We look forward to resuming this productive program in our new building after the dust settles!

Dr. Carol Symes of the University of Illinois, Urbana, WILL however, deliver her keynote lecture, scheduled for:

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017
Art Building, Room 223

Open to all—faculty, students, and the community—we hope that you will join us this lecture entitled, “The Desire of Deeds: Sensual Documents and the Affective Performance of the Medieval Archive.”

More Info:
Contact Mickey Abel Mickey.Abel@unt.edu