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    HIV/AIDS Content Notice & Other Legal Stuff


    NYAC announces "Youth & HIV" professional development webinar series

    A 4-part seminar series, aimed at professionals who work with youth in the field of HIV, is set to begin Oct. 23. The series will cover social marketing, HIV counseling and testing protocols, and creating safe spaces for queer youth. To register for the free webinar series or to learn more, click here.

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    Queerious Thoughts: 2008 Elections

    In the first release of a new series, NYAC unveils tips and talking points for individuals and organizations working with LGBTQ youth on get out the vote efforts for 2008. To download the document, click here.

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    Statement on the passing of Keith Yamaguchi

    NYAC issues its condolences after the loss of a devoted ally within the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

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    Queer the Vote 2008

    As both major political parties gather to hold their nominating conventions, NYAC launches a comprehensive online election clearinghouse for LGBTQ youth.

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