Event: Edible Books Festival

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Monday, Apr. 1, 2019. 1:00pm to 3:00pm


External Relations

About this Event

Join us at Willis Library for our annual Edible Books Festival on Monday, April 1 in Willis Library! Students – as well as UNT faculty, staff members, and members of the Denton community – are welcome to enter creations into the festival for free, as well as judge the entries and eat them.

Register to Participate

Since 2003, Willis Library has held an Edible Books Festival as part of the observance of the International Edible Book Festival, which is scheduled each year on or after April 1, the birthday of 18th-century French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Many university and community libraries observe the Edible Book Festival.

Entrants are called to create a representation of their favorite book using food. The entries are judged on originality, creativity, skill, construction, visual appearance, and adherence to the theme of their chosen book. All parts of an entry must be edible, and no open flames are allowed. The official rules state that all edible books must be “‘bookish’ through the integration of text, literary inspiration, or—quite simply—the form.” This year we are expanding the entries to include all library collections including music, film, and video games.

There will be 4–5 slots for live demonstration entries this year along with cookie decorating that will be open to all attendees while supplies last. Cookies decorated will be eligible to submit for a prize in the Social Media category!

Event Schedule

  • 1 pm | Standard entries arrive for visual judging, cookie decorating begins, live demonstration entries begin.

  • 1:30 pm | Cut standard entries for taste judging.

  • 2 pm | Votes must be in; winners will be announced when votes are tallied.

  • 2–3 pm | Cookie decorating continues until the end of the event or when supplies run out.

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

Standard Entries

  • Best Fiction
  • Best Non-Fiction
  • Best Children’s Book
  • Best Use of Chocolate
  • Best Non-Cake
  • Most Unusual Use of Food
  • Best Tasting
  • Best Live Demo
  • Best Social Media Entry The nine category winners will each receive a certificate and library swag.

How to Participate

Standard Entry

Standard entries are prepared in advance of the event and put on display when the event begins at 1 pm. They will remain on display for about half an hour for visual judging before cutting or parceling out to visitors to judge the taste.

It is not required that standard entries feed all attendees, but we recommend you bring a quantity that will allow at least 20 people to have a small taste as the event tends to have 100+ attendees.

Standard Entries are eligible to win in the seven standard entry prize categories listed above. A tallied vote from event attendees determines winners. Entries that win in multiple categories will receive a win in their highest performing category, and the other wins will be awarded to the runner-up.

Live Demos

Live demos consist of a team of 3–6 people preparing an entry over the course of the first hour of the event. Live demos must sign-up in advance, as there are limited slots.

Live demo teams may prepare portions of their entry in advance that require baking or cooking, but entries should be assembled and decorated in front of the attendees at the event.

Live demo teams should be prepared to interact with, receive commentary from, and converse with event attendees while constructing their entry. Live demos will be eligible to win in the Best Live Demo category. There is no deadline to request a live demo slot, but those interested should contact us as soon as possible.

Cookie Decorating

Plain sugar cookies and decorating supplies will be provided at the beginning of the event. All event attendees are welcome to decorate a cookie in the theme of a book or other library media item.

Cookies may be submitted to win in the Best Social Media Entry category, but they must follow the social media entry rules that will be on display at decorating stations during the event. Social media entries will be chosen after the event, and the winner will be contacted to pick up their prize.

Questions? Contact Us!

Please email External Relations with any questions or media inquiries.
