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It is the intent of the Member and Geographic Activities Board, committees, and staff to operate within an active strategic framework described by the following manual, which is continuously monitored and may be updated as with all elements of this Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual.

This information includes approved changes as of 18 June 2016.


MGA Operations Manual

Section 1 - Introduction (PDF, 16 KB)

  1. IEEE Incorporation
  2. Institute Government
  3. Objectives
  4. Use of the Term Membership

Section 2 - Member and Geographic Activities Board (PDF, 263 KB)

  1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Membership
  4. Officers
  5. MGA Vice Chairs
  6. Regional Delegate/Director
  7. MGA Standing Committee Chairs
  8. MGA Representative
  9. MGA Board Meetings
  10. Volunteer Responsibilities and the Code of Ethics
  11. Process for Addressing Member/Volunteer Complaints

Section 3 - MGA Financial Matters (PDF, 17 KB)

  1. Budget Cycle Dates
  2. Administration of MGA Finances
  3. Support of MGA Activities

Section 4 - MGA Committees (PDF, 506 KB)

  1. MGA Committees
  2. Coordination of MGA Committees
  3. Awards & Recognition Committee
  4. Finance Committee
  5. Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee
  6. IEEE Young Professionals Committee
  7. IT Coordination and Oversight Committee
  8. Member Engagement and Life Cycle Committee
  9. Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee
  10. Nominations and Appointments Committee
  11. Potentials Editorial Board
  12. Section Congress Committee
  13. Student Activities Committee
  14. Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment Committee
  15. IEEE Admission & Advancement Committee
  16. Member Benefits Portfolio Advisory Committee
  17. IEEE Life Members Committee
  18. Advisory Committee
  19. vTools Committee
  20. IEEE Women in Engineering Committee
  21. Training Committee
  22. Conflict Resolution Committee

Section 5 - MGA Operations Committee (PDF, 119 KB)

  1. MGA Operations Committee Charter

Section 6 - MGA Assembly (PDF, 135 KB)

  1. Composition
  2. Functions
  3. Meetings
  4. Quorum/Actions of the MGA Assembly
  5. MGA Assembly Appointment and Selection Procedures
  6. Administrative Procedures

Section 7 - MGA Nominations & Appointments Process (PDF, 133 KB)

  1. MGA Nominations & Appointments Committee
  2. MGA N&A and Selection/Appointment Process
  3. Regional Delegate-Elect/Director Elect Nominations
  4. Vacancies

Section 8 - Member & Geographic Activities Awards (PDF, 22 KB)

  1. Establishment of Awards
  2. Hierarchy of Awards
  3. General Specifications for the Establishment of New Award
  4. General Procedures for Awards Under Regional Activities Organizational Units

Section 9 - Geographic Organizational Units (PDF, 365 KB)

  1. Regions
  2. Areas
  3. Geographic Councils
  4. Sections
  5. Subsections
  6. Chapters
  7. Student Branches
  8. Student Branch Chapters
  9. Affinity Groups
  10. Student Branch Affinity Groups

Section 10 - Conferences (PDF, 115 KB)

  1. Purpose of Conducting a Conference
  2. Transnational Participation
  3. Types of Conferences
  4. Conference Budgets
  5. Conference Involvement
  6. Organizing a Conference
  7. Conference Filing Information
  8. Insurance Forms
  9. Cooperation of Technical/Professional & Geographic Organizational Units in Conferences
  10. Memorandum of Understanding
  11. Conference Publications
  12. Book Broker Program

Section 11 - MGA Publications (PDF, 24 KB)

  1. Objectives of Geographic Organizational Unit Publications

Section 12 - Revisions to the MGA Operations Manual (PDF, 12 KB)

  1. Operations Manual Revisions



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