Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Community!

As a LGBTQ+ student preparing for a job or internship search, you will want to think through these additional career planning challenges related to your identity. For the most part, college life has been a supportive environment, with the UNT Pride Alliance, welcoming staff across campus, active student groups, and university-backed non-discrimination and benefits policies. The workplace can be quite different, in terms of the openness of and support for LGBTQ+ employees. Industries and geographic regions may vary widely in their policies and support, and you will want to research your options carefully to meet your individual needs and goals. The following collection of resources is designed to offer a starting point in considering issues faced by LGBTQ+ people in the job or internship search and the culture of the workplace. There are no right or wrong answers or rules, only what is right for you. 

Be sure to schedule an appointment with your Career Coach. Career path exploration, resume reviews, transferable skills identification, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, networking, and practice interviews are just a few of the resources offered to you free of charge as a UNT student or alumni! Feel free to address questions on coming out at work and during the job search with your career coach.