Roll Forward Balances.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
This month we identified an issue with revenue allocation roll-forward balances. Affected chartstrings had their roll-forward revenue balances (credits/deficits) incorrectly doubled on the FY17 COGNOS reports. The issue is limited to certain Fund Cat 105, 120, and 200 chartstrings. Please refer to the attached list for specific chartstrings and amounts. What this means for you: If at the end of 2016 your chartstring carried a $1,000 revenue balance then in 2017 that $1,000 roll-forward balance appears twice in COGNOS resulting in a roll-forward balance of $2,000. On the other hand, if your chartstring carried a negative $1,000 revenue deficit, then a $2,000 deficit appears in 2017. Note: these balances are primarily carried on D5301 Material & Supplies expense. On Friday, this issue was corrected and the corrected balances are reflected on your COGNOS reports beginning today.