Welcome to the Veterans Community!

As a U.S. military Veteran, your unique experience serving the U.S. is very much appreciated here at UNT. On average, most student veterans are between the ages of 24 and 40, almost 48% are married and the same percentage of veterans have children. Perhaps you are wanting to continue the same career direction as you did in the military and learn new skills or completely change your career direction. Your relevant military skills are transferable to the civilian world and include:

  • Teamwork and demonstrating responsibility for others 
  • Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity, Resourcefulness  
  • Setting a positive example, displaying integrity 
  • Reacting to real-world events and adverse conditions 
  • Communicating with all levels of leadership & management 
  • Applying critical thinking skills to every situation 
  • Experiencing diversity and dealing directly with global cultures 
  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving, generating options 
  • Completing the required task despite obstacles 

In addition to the programs and services provided by the UNT Career Center and meeting with your Career Coach, below are some career resources for UNT student veterans:

UNT Student Veterans Services 

Veteran’s Administration (Education, Disability, Healthcare, Records)


Hazlewood Act (Texas residents only)

Texas Veterans Scholarships

Additional Student Veterans Career Resources:

NACE – A Veterans’ Guide to Developing a Resume

Military.com – Writing Military to Civilian Resumes: The “Transferability of Skills” Strategy

Northrop Grumman – Resume Tips for Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Careers