Welcome to the College of Education Career Community!

All of the diverse programs in the UNT College of Education share the same mission: Developing professionals who help others reach their full potential through powerful learning, social-emotional wellness, physical health, and civic engagement. Our students take on careers that help other people become.

Some of our students go into health-related professions, such as physical or occupational therapy, fitness coaching, or athletic training. Others build careers in the field of recreation and sport, employed by municipal agencies or private companies that give communities opportunities to come together for fitness, fun, and shared experiences. Others specialize in mental health, providing counseling services to clients in clinics, schools, or private practice. Still others enter a career of supporting families across all of life’s transitions.

When people think of a College of Education, their minds may first go to the career of teaching, and to be sure, UNT produces more new teachers than almost any university in Texas. Our faculty and our Office of Educator Preparation are highly experienced and knowledgeable at helping our students become wonderfully qualified, legally certified, and meaningfully employed in schools.

It’s important to realize that many COE alumni are employed in a wide range of businesses. Many companies today support individuals in their learning, through tutoring, online instruction, educational apps, and personal coaching. Our graduates often transition from public sector to private sector jobs, and back again.

Wherever you start your career journey, you can take for granted that you cannot see your whole life’s path from where you’re standing now. We hope you will step boldly into new ways of touching the world, and let us be your partner in learning all along the way. We want to be your home base, across all your transitions along the way.


Randy Bomer, Ph.D., Professor and Dean of the College of Education

Services Offered by the Career Center

We encourage you to explore the resources and services the Career Center has to offer, attend an upcoming career event, and schedule an appointment with your Career Coach.