Music Lab Policies and Information

Patron Conduct

Laptop and Equipment Checkout Policies

Printing Policies and Information


Patron Lab Conduct:

  • Patrons are not to talk on Cellphones while in the lab.  A lab assistant will ask you to step outside the lab if you are talking on your phone.
  • Food is not permitted in the lab.  A lab assistant will ask you to dispose of any such items if they are brought in.
  • Closed top beverages are allowed within the lab.  Pease still be careful with your drinks and dispose of any trash and don't leave them at your stations.
  • All open top beverages are not permitted.  This would include any canned drinks, uncapped water bottles or any other item without a lid.  All such items will be cause for the lab employees to ask you to remove the items from the premises.  Repeat offenders may have their lab privileges revoked.
  • The lab is an academic work environment and patrons should comport themselves accordingly:
    • Respect your fellow students and keep any conversations low and private.
    • Be kind to the equipment and furniture
    • Follow any requests from the lab employees regarding your activities within the lab.
    • Be mindful of when the lab closes and plan accordingly. Please leave when instructed.

Laptop and equipment checkout polices

All patrons who check out equipement from the lab will only remain eligible for this privilege if the following policies are followed:

  1. All equipment is returned within the time period indicated (1 hour before official lab closing time).
  2. All equipment is returned in the condition it was checked out.
  3. Patron makes a good faith effort to communicate with the lab regarding any issues they are having meeting requirements 1 and 2.
  4. Patrons must respond to all communication if contacted by the lab regarding said equipment.
  5. Patrons must always remain polite and courteous in their interactions with the staff (both in person and via email)

Patrons who violate these policies will have their access to future equipment checkout suspended.

This suspension may be lifted provided the patron contacts the lab administrator accepting responsibility for their error and request access.

The manager has the authority to deny reinstatement if the policy has been broken multiple times or there are other extenuating circumstances.


Printing in the UNT Student Computer Labs

Printing is a service provided by the UNT Student Computer Labs (SCL) network to all currently-enrolled UNT students.

How does the print credit system work?

Each UNT student is given a virtual printing "credit" at the beginning of each semester they are enrolled. When printing at one of the UNT SCL labs, this virtual printing credit decreases based on the calculated cost of that print job. At the start of the next semester, the virtual printing credit is reset back to the starting credit balance. We wanted to allocate printing based on number of pages per student, but our print management system (Papercut) only tracks printing based on page cost instead of page count, which means we have to allocate a print *credit* to each student

Is the printing credit balance money I pay specifically for printing?

No, Each student is allotted a specific number of print jobs per semester.  There is no specific printing fee being paid but is taken from the normal operations budget for the Student Computer Labs. 

Are semester print credits something that be transfered or refunded?

The virtual printing credits students receive each semester are not "added on" to the lab fees students pay, but are instead allocated from the portion of the Technology Use Fee already dedicated to supporting the Student Computer Labs. Virtual printing credits have no monetary value and cannot be transferred or converted to an actual cash balance.

What happens to money used to purchased additional print credits?

Students who purchase additional print credits using their own funds do not expire and will roll over to following semesters unlike the per semester "virtual credit".

Virtual credit semester allocation.

Each undergraduate student will be given a $20 printing credit per semester while graduates students receive $40.

How is the cost of a print job calculated?

Printing is provided by the UNT SCL network at the following rates:

  • Three cents ($0.03) for 1 single-sided Black & White page. (333 single-sided pages total)
  • Five cents ($0.05) for 1 double-sided B&W pages/sheet. (400 double-sided pages total)
  • Ten cents ($0.10) per 1 single-sided Color page. (100 single-sided pages total)
  • Nineteen cents ($0.19) for 1 double-sided Color pages/sheet. (105 double-sided pages total)

How can students check their print credit balance?

Students can view their current print credit balance, overall print usage, and the environmental impact of their printing by visiting the website and logging in using their EUID and password.  Students must be on the UNT network to access this website.  Please visit for information to access this website from off-campus location.

There is no refund option once the printing credit is used.  If you experienced a printing problem due to a printer malfunction, report it to the nearest lab staff for a reprint at no cost.

If you have any problems with your account, contact the UNT Helpdesk at 940-565-2324 for assistance.

Individual Lab Managers have the authority to grant special printing requests.  If you have a large print job required for an academic project, contact the lab manager of your respective college to request for printing outside of your allotment.


Printing Guidelines

  • Some labs enforce a 20 sheets per print job rule to control printing traffic.  This translates to 20-page single sided printing or 40-page double sided printing.  Ask the lab staff on-site about this rule for the particular lab visited.  Patrons are encouraged to use double-sided printing when available and appropriate.
  • Lab Managers have the authority to restrict printing and/or lab access from any patron who abuses printing policies. 
    • Lab Managers will document printing policy abusers and share that information with other Lab Managers.