Recommended by 4 people
Recently I learned that the payments I have been making, faithfully, have repeatedly been applied in...correctly. This of course has caused my account to become delinquent on a multiple number of occasions, despite my never missing a payment. When I asked the account specialist why this was happening, and more importantly why I had never been informed about it; I was told that that simply was not something that the THECB had sought to address. After asking to speak with his supervisor, he informed me that no supervisor was available. I told him that I did not believe that and I wanted to immediately speak with his superior. At this time, he began to say that our connection was breaking up and proceeded top hang up on me. I would love to say that I had a better experience upon calling the commissioners office, but my experience was similar. Being told multiple times that no one was there to assist me, and that the commissioner was 'unable' to take any calls. I have contacted my local senators office and they have faithfully attempted to assist me with this issue. This is obviously a systemic problem within the organization, and speaks to a gross level of incompetence, and a lack of overall transparency. See More
Their website barely works, they are impossible to get ahold of on the phone. Their business model s...eems to be maximizing profit by having literally no service, since their "customers" are stuck with them. See More
Nothing but issues with no answers. Payments paid to the wrong loan, causing the others to go delinq...uent. When I call in, no one has any idea why this is happening. See More