Recovery Housing

The Recovery Nest at the University of North Texas is a recovery-oriented residence located inside College Inn. The Recovery Nest is open to students living in recovery from substance use disorders, mental health illness, and other quality of life concerns. Dedicated to providing the safety and resources students at the University of North Texas need to support their recovery, The Recovery Nest is the first residence hall wing serving students that are in long-term recovery, or that live a life of wellness by choice. The Recovery Nest community integrates fun in recovery with a focus on success in individual academic careers. Recovery and academics should never be sacrificed for one another, and the Recovery Nest combined with active participation in the Collegiate Recovery Program at the university make it possible not to have to choose.

Students that are actively seeking an improved quality of life through a commitment to long-term recovery and are filled with a desire to be a contributing member of the North Texas community through outreach, service, membership and advocacy, would be a great fit for The Recovery Nest.

Freshman students of the collegiate recovery program will be required to reside in the Recovery Nest; upper classman students that are CRP student members may apply for residence, as well as students who are willing to commit to the principles and philosophy of recovery, prevention, and wellness.

Students should expect to:

  • Actively participate in the UNT CRP peer support meetings;
  • Actively engage in peer mentorship;
  • Actively participate in peer driven recovery oriented programming;
  • Continue to provide evidence of sobriety and adherence to the UNT Housing general policies;
  • To contribute to advocacy efforts that promote recovery awareness in North Texas.


The Recovery Nest is now accepting applications for Fall 2018. For more information, visit UNT Housing or CRP admissions

Students must apply directly to the UNT Collegiate Recovery Program and be accepted to be placed on housing lists for the Recovery Nest.

For any questions, please contact the UNT CRP at