How do students register with your office?

  1. Log in to AIM and complete the request for services form.  To log into AIM, instructions can be found at How to access AIM - New Students (pdf)
  2. Provide documentation of disability or medical condition that supports each accommodation request. For documentation requirements by disability, see those pages on this website.
    • Upload documentation via AIM,
    • Email documentation to Apply.ODA@unt.edu, or
    • Fax to 940-565-7969.
  3. After your documentation and Registration Form is reviewed, the ODA will contact you to set up a Registration Meeting with your ODA Coordinator which can occur either in our office or on the phone if you are a distance learner.  At this meeting, you will discuss the registration process, accommodations requested, services available, and how accommodations are provided.  If more information is required, you will be informed how to go about acquiring the additional information. You must resubmit your documentation with this updated information in order to proceed.
  4. You must attend this meeting in order to complete the registration process.   If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule.

Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email from your coordinator with instructions about how to request Letters of accommodation.

For more information, see Apply for Services.

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Where can I find your office?

We are located in Sage Hall, suite 167.

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What do I do when I receive an official letter from the ODA?


As of Fall 2019,  Letters of Accommodation are emailed by ODA to your instructor once the student logs into the AIM Student Portal to request them.  

Although not a requirement, the ODA strongly encourages you to discuss your accommodations with each instructor - especially if you have accommodations such as Alternative Testing or Modification of Attendance Policy.  This can be done in person or via email.  

Notice that the letter does not specify your condition. It only specifies the approved reasonable accommodations. When you discuss your condition or services with the instructor, we recommend that you set up an appointment with the instructor during office hours for a private discussion.


Read the LOA carefully. It is a formal notice, signifying that the student has furnished the university with documentation of a disability, which he or she feels will impact the learning situation.If questions remain about how to provide the accommodations listed in the letter, please contact the student's coordinator in the Office of Disability Access to request more details. 

If you feel that a specific accommodation would interfere with the essential elements of your course and/or course objectives, please contact the ODA immediately.

Letter of Accommodation (LOA) Best Practices

When you receive the LOA, the ODA recommends sending an introductory email to initiate discussions (whether in person or via email) to clarify any questions about the accommodations listed in the LOA.


Dear Instructor,

You received my accommodation letter from the ODA.  I am in the process of trying to schedule my exam in the ODA Test Center, but I cannot until you complete the Testing Agreement for your course by either clicking the link on the letter you received from ODA or logging into the AIM Instructor Portal.  I would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the agreement as soon as possible so I can proactively schedule my exams in the Test Center so I am assured of receiving my test accommodations.

Thank you in advance.  I have copied the Test Center so they know I have reached out to you.



Dear Student,

Welcome to my class!  I just received your accommodation letter from the ODA.  I do have some questions about your accommodations, namely do you plan to take your exams in the ODA Test Center?  Please let me know so I will know that I need to complete the Testing Agreement so that you will be able to schedule your exams in the ODA Test Center.   My office hours are in my syllabus if you would like to schedule a time to talk with me further about your accommodations and my course.  

Thank you in advance. 


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What statement should I include in my class syllabus/program announcement/flyer to inform students of the process to request reasonable accommodations?

See ADA Taglines for UNT Publications and Syllabus Statements.

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