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Fox & Friends

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"It's by doing those difficult things, that seem impossible at the very beginning, that make you a stronger human being."

Captain Sarah Cudd talks about finishing a grueling Army test and the importance of never giving up.


“Fortunately these guys showed up because they were offended by something protected by the First Amendment and they were quickly introduced to the Second Amendment.”

Rob O'Neill reacts to the shootout in Texas and ISIS in America.


"I'm a Christian...I don't have the option of rewriting the Bible to fit the culture."

Mike Huckabee responds to criticism that he needs to change his conservative views from 2008 in order to be a viable candidate in 2016. Your thoughts?


Standing strong, in the face of terror! 21-year-old Joseph Offutt (in the middle) spent all day yesterday holding an American flag near the scene of Sunday night's shootout in Garland, TX. He says it's a message for ISIS and that his community will not 'give into' fear or back down to terror. As the day went on, several more patriots showed up to the scene and joined him with flags and signs.

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"Maybe Rutgers should just consider replacing the Scarlet Knight with a rainbow-colored, politically-correct, gender-neutral blockhead?"

Todd Starnes sounds off on students at Rutgers who are asking for a more diverse mascot. What do you think??

By Todd Starnes There's really not a delicate to put this -- so I may as well just rip the band-aid right off. Rutgers University has been over run by a bunch of politically-correct dingbats. The Rutgers University Student Assembly passed a bill that seeks to diversify the school's|By Todd Starnes

Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, makes his case for 2016.

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Dakota Meyer wants you to SHARE this post to show people who disrespect the flag that 'we are stronger and louder than they will ever be.' ‪#‎NeverOutGunned‬


"That flag stands for everything this country stands for...if you don't like this country, LEAVE!"

Medal of Honor recipient, Dakota Meyer, blasts those stomping on the America flag and is asking everyone who loves this country to fight back with ‪#‎NeverOutGunned‬.


Hillary Clinton is heading to Capitol Hill. What questions would YOU ask her??


One soldier shows off the real meaning of ARMY STRONG. Captain Sarah Cudd fights to complete a grueling 12-mile march. WATCH!


Saluting his service. Brian Moore's family and NYPD officers pay their respects as the slain officer's ambulance leaves the hospital. In less than 5 years on the job Officer Moore earned 2 medals for meritorious service, 2 for excellent police duty and had more than 150 arrests. May he rest in peace.

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A pair of would-be jihadists learned a very important lesson over the weekend – in America, we shoot back.

"We are one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Ben Carson officially announces he is running for President and makes his case for why he is most qualified. Your thoughts?


“I think people who are in a position of authority should stand by the police officers and the justice system…and should not jump to conclusions.”

Do you agree with Mitt Romney?


"The First Amendment protects all speech not just ideas that we like."

Pamela Geller organized the event last night and says free speech is the issue of our time. What are your thoughts?


“We have the right to free speech in this country and those of us at that event are going to fight to keep it.”

Katrina Pierson was right at the free speech even in Garland, TX when the shooting happened.


UPDATE: NYPD officer Brian Moore, has died from his injuries after getting shot point blank in the face. Our prayers are with him and his family.


BREAKING: Charges against officers in Gray case include 2nd-degree murder, manslaughter, assault, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby announces.

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"The will to live is very to the fullest."

President Bush reflects on a lesson he learned from his father.


Look back at how the world learned that Usama Bin Laden was killed, 4 years ago today...


A sick new 'challenge' is going viral, urging people to disrespect and stomp on the American flag. Give us your reaction.


What a great American! Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson surprises a soldier on a flight by upgrading him to first class!


It was four years ago today that the most wanted terrorist in the world was killed by U.S. SEAL Team 6.

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Al Sharpton touches down in Baltimore and one of his first moves is to block a FOX News reporter from asking legitimate questions. What can we expect from Al today?


"I've had all kinds of reactions, everything from tears to celebrations."

89-year-old WWII veteran, Brian Sperry, joined us this morning to share the story behind scoring a touchdown during U of Kansas alumni game


Whatever he did, it must have been really bad. An anonymous Australian man paid $4,000 to have this message written in the sky over Brisbane. It reads, "Love you…I'm sorry." The owner of the skywriting company says the man behind the apology didn't seem to be heart broken, just really sorry.

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"A parent should be allowed to take their kids out [of school] as they see fit..."

Dad defends decision to take kids on educational trip to Boston marathon after principal writes letter to him saying the school won't excuse absences.


A MIRACLE IN THE RUBBLE… A baby boy found alive and unharmed 22 hours after the earthquake in Nepal


DEVELOPING: Freddie Gray may have intentionally tried to harm self in police van, report


This video is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!


Instead of a thank you, one war veteran got a nasty letter on the windshield of his car saying, “You are a murderer if you 'served' in Afghanistan…I hope you watch your child starve and die in front of you.”

But despite that hatred, Matt Zeller, is turning it into a positive.


A father takes his kids with him to cheer him on during the Boston marathon, but then got a letter from their principal, saying that's not an excuse for skipping school! Here is part of the letter that dad, Mike Rossi, just fired back with!

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"The police rescued us" ... George Foreman says it was the 'caring police' that helped Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier and himself find the right path in life.


Toya Graham is the Baltimore mom that went viral after smacking down son for rioting. She is explained why she did what she did by saying, 'he's not perfect, but he's mine.'