
Election 2020

Read the latest on the 2020 election, including coverage of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and more.

Our Guide to the 2020 Election

The Latest

Joe Biden’s greatest advantage right now is his notably durable support from a multiracial coalition of working-class voters who feel a kinship with him.

State of the Race

On the surface, the Democratic presidential race looks pretty steady. But the current trends are about to be put to a strenuous test. Here’s the latest data.

What’s Ahead

The next Democratic presidential debate is Wednesday night in Atlanta, with 10 candidates set to take the stage. Here are the key dynamics to watch for.

Democratic Primary Polls »



  1. PhotoFormer Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Andrew Yang at the Nevada Democratic Party’s “First in the West” event in Las Vegas on Sunday.
    CreditJoe Buglewicz for The New York Times

    California and Nevada Ask: Iowa Who?

    The 2020 Democrats headed West to campaign in two key states. “I don’t think it matters what happens in New Hampshire or Iowa, which are not representative of the country,” Harry Reid said.