
  1. PhotoIn San Francisco’s aptly named Grandview Park, looking north to Golden Gate Park from the Crosstown Trail.
    CreditJason Henry for The New York Times

    A 17-Mile Hike to Unite San Francisco

    A motley alliance decided a single trail could unite this divided city. A sixth-generation native sets out to walk it.

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    CreditD'Ara Nazaryan

    Luxury for Less: The Travel Advisor Gambit

    When booking a high-end vacation, using a travel agency can mean scoring perks and benefits that would cost hundreds, at no cost to you.

  1. heads up

    PhotoUy Le, above right, is among the local comedians making stand-up comedy a new tradition in Ho Chi Minh City.
    CreditJustin Mott for The New York Times

    Ho Chi Minh City’s Hilarious Side

    Stand-up comedy is sweeping Vietnam’s largest city, often called Saigon, with locals braving open-mic nights in the city’s hippest cafes and bars.

  2. 36 HOURS

    PhotoThe downtown portion of the Indiana Central Canal is flanked with museums and parks as it makes its way toward the White River.
    CreditSamantha Orndorff for The New York Times

    36 Hours in Indianapolis

    Even with a new and improved Kurt Vonnegut museum and a slew of recently opened restaurants, bars and galleries, this Midwestern city is still true to its roots: short on pretension and very affordable.

  3. PhotoMembers of the media and a few Qantas frequent fliers checked in at Kennedy International Airport.
    CreditJames D. Morgan/Qantas

    Would 19 Hours and 16 Minutes in the Air Make Me Crazy?

    Qantas plans to offer the longest commercial flight ever, nonstop from New York to Sydney. Sarah Lyall took the test flight, with kangaroo-themed pajamas and, perhaps, too much medication.

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    A Nile Journey Guided by 19th-Century Women

    In the late 1800s, women explorers sailed the Nile, sending back vivid accounts of Egypt’s riches. A 21st-century writer travels in their wake.

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    CreditStephen Hiltner/The New York Times

    On the Hunt for Mushrooms in Central Oregon

    Mushrooms are one of the world’s greatest reminders that “in nature,” as Rachel Carson once wrote, “nothing exists alone.”

Top Destinations

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  1. PhotoThe 2020 Olympic Games in Japan will be held across nine prefectures, with the majority taking place in two areas of Tokyo.
    CreditMatt Roberts/Getty Images

    What You Need to Know: The Tokyo 2020 Olympics

    Whether your flights are booked or you’re just now considering going, here are some insider hints and helpful advice to ensure a memorable time in Japan.

  2. PhotoAt Ristorante Archimede in Rome, amatriciana is made with bucatini.
    CreditSusan Wright for The New York Times

    Hunting for the Real Pasta all’Amatriciana

    Start in Amatrice, Italy, and eat five versions of the dish in just four days. Then set aside your Marcella Hazan cookbook.

The 52 Places Traveler

More in The 52 Places Traveler »
  1. PhotoRibbon-covered totems mark the entrance to Shaman Rock.
    CreditSebastian Modak/The New York Times

    On a Remote Siberian Island Asking, Was It Just a Dream?

    The island, in Siberia’s Lake Baikal, has no paved roads, herds of wild horses and a shamanistic religion. The 52 Places Traveler found his spirit animal there.

  2. Photo
    CreditFrom left: Beth Coller; Andreas Meichsner for NYT; Andy Haslam for NYT; Tzachi Ostrovsky for NYT

    52 Places to Go in 2019

    A starter kit for escaping into the world.

Travel Tips

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  1. Photo
    CreditLars Leetaru

    House-Sitting for Beginners

    Interested in free and private accommodations while traveling? Here’s how to get started with house-sitting in the United States and overseas.

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    CreditLars Leetaru

    How to Make Your Travel Clothes Pop on Instagram

    “On Instagram we are selling a fantasy, and we want it to look like we have these amazing lives,” one stylist says. “But it can’t feel forced; it has to look easy.”

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    CreditLars Leetaru

    How to Pack Your Wallet for a Trip to Europe

    Having your credit card rejected or running out of cash can ruin a vacation. But with a little advance planning, you can focus on fun, not what’s in your wallet.