Institutional effectiveness at UNT Dallas is centered in the University’s strategic plan. Initiated by UNT Dallas’s President when he took office in July 2015, the strategic plan serves as a blueprint for where the University wants to go in the future.

The UNT Dallas strategic plan is organized by four broad themes: Learning and Discovery; Sustainable Growth, Finances, and Resources; Quality Experiences for Lifetime Success; and People and Teamwork. Under each theme there are a number of Key Objectives and Initiatives. For Quality Experiences for Lifetime Success, for example, a Key Objective is "Active Learning: every student graduates with one or more of these experiential learning credentials: a paid internship; a demanding research effort; a scholarly work-related project; or, extensive service learning participation." The corresponding Initiative for this Key Objective is "Enhance and expand Experiential Learning Experiences."

  • Strategic Goal “Quality Experiences for Lifetime Success”

Key Objectives

  • every student graduating with experiential credentials in a paid internship; a demanding research effort; a scholarly work-related project; or extensive service learning participation by 8/31/21 (UNT Dallas Strategic Plan, 2017).
  • developing expertise in serving under-resourced college students (UNT Dallas Strategic Plan, 2017).