Using the form below, you may register your organization for the upcoming UNT Dallas Yard Show on Wednesday, May 1st at 7PM on the basketball courts. This form is due at the latest by April 29th at 11:59PM.

Performance Type. These are defined as the following, but you are NOT limited to just one performance type. You may use a combination of these for your performance:

  • Step: A series of complex, synchronous and precise rhythmic body movements performed to the tune of stomps, songs, or chants created by organization members
  • Stroll: The traditional dance or “party walk” performed by culturally-based fraternities and/or sororities
  • Salute: An art form of synchronized movements and words or songs with deep roots in Latino culture to express pride, respect, honor, and love

Time Limit. Performances are limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes.

Performance. Must include an introduction that each organization will provide in this form. Your performance should include an entrance and an exit.

Awards. There will be two (2) ways to win: Best-in-Show & Audience Favorite.

Score Sheets. Judges will use score sheets to score each performance based on these categories: Dress/Appearance, Enthusiasm/Energy, Creativity, Precision/Transition, Complexity/Difficulty, and Synchronization.


Additional rules and regulations are outlined in the form below. If you have any questions about this event, this form, or your performance, please contact Rifeta “Fifi” Badic-Grady, or 972-338-1940.