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BIOL/CHEM/PHYS 4700: Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction: Reference Sources

Library Resources for the Teach North Texas course, Research Methods for Secondary Science Instruction

Credo Reference: Your One Stop for Online Reference

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Credo Reference is an online collection of over 950 dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks and guides in all subject areas. Sample titles are:

  • The Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists
  • Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology
  • Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary
  • The Penguin Dictionary of Physics

Other Online Reference Sources

The UNT Libraries also subscribe to these smaller online reference resources, which include education and science information.

Print Reference Sources - usually not as current as the online sources

Print dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks about science and education are located in the Willis Library. Do a keyword search in the UNT Library Catalog for your topic plus a reference source, e.g. [education encyclopedia]. Some reference books are available for library use only, but most can be checked out. Below is a sample of the resources available:

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