Terms of Agreement

  1. Review the Terms of Agreement below.
  2. Sign and submit the Terms of Agreement Form online, which signifies your agreement to all conditions below.
    • Please note, this form must be submitted at least ONE BUSINESS DAY PRIOR to checking out equipment.
    • CVAD Students are required to submit an updated form each semester.
    • CVAD Faculty/Staff are required to submit an updated form each year.
  3. Check items out at the CVAD Student Computer Lab (ART 375).
  4. Checkout/return times are Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 10pm / Saturday, noon - 5pm / Sunday, noon - 10pm

Welcome to the University of North Texas CVAD IT Services. The following Terms of Agreement apply when you use CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout. Before signing, please review the following terms carefully. By accessing or using this service, you signify your agreement to these Terms of Agreement. If you do not consent to these Terms of Agreement, you may not access or use CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout. CVAD IT Services reserves the right to modify these Terms of Agreement as needed and will require all users to sign an updated form, should changes be made, before checking out any equipment.

CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout allows you to check out state-owned equipment for university use (academic or professional) for a set amount of time, free of charge.

You must be a current UNT CVAD student, faculty, or staff member to utilize CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout. CVAD IT Services will verify current enrollment status each time you utilize CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout. All users must come in person to the CVAD Student Computer Lab (ART 375) to check out equipment. Your valid UNT Student ID Card or Mean Green Card is required to check out equipment. You may not check out equipment using another person’s UNT Student ID Card or Mean Green Card.

Prior to using this service, all users must have read CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout Terms of Agreement (this document) and submitted the Terms of Agreement Form online.

The equipment circulated by the CVAD Student Computer Lab through CVAD IT Services and is purchased with state funds, and is therefore authorized only to be used for official university work and university academic use. No personal use is authorized. All student users will be strictly held to the Code of Student Conduct for the University of North Texas, which can be found at http://policy.unt.edu/sites/default/files/07.012_CodeofConduct_2013_0.pdf.

Your permission to use this service is conditioned upon the following Use and Conduct Restrictions.

You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

  • Furnish false or misleading information when checking out equipment.
  • Loan out the equipment to another person; if another person uses your equipment, you agree that you accept financial responsibility for any loss, theft, or damage by negligence.

You agree that you will:

  • Provide CVAD IT Services with updated account information as soon as a change has occurred (for example, a change in email address should be immediately reported to CVAD IT Services).
  • Inspect all equipment at the time of check out and report any defects or missing pieces to CVAD IT Services staff who is processing your check out.
    • Upon check-in, you will be liable for any damage or missing pieces not reported at the time of check out.
  • Return equipment to the CVAD Student Computer Lab (ART 375) in person, with all included accessories, before closing on the due date.
    • Report any and all damage that may have incurred while in your possession upon return of the equipment.
    • Equipment returned by someone other than you may not be accepted as this violates the Terms of Agreement.
    • Equipment cannot be mailed to CVAD IT Services.
  • Equipment checkout and returns are available Monday-Friday, 7:30am - 10pm, Saturday noon - 5pm, Sunday noon - 10pm unless otherwise specified, or during official UNT holiday closings and/or inclement weather closings.
  • Checkout periods for DSLR cameras, video cameras and Wacom tablets are for THREE (3) days. Checkout periods differ for laptops and other equipment loaned by CVAD IT Services.
  • If a due date for equipment falls on a weekend, the equipment may be returned the following Monday without penalty.
  • If you would like to renew equipment, come to the CVAD Student Computer Lab (ART 375).
    • Renewing extends the due date by an additional checkout date range of THREE (3) days.
    • All renewal requests are approved or denied based on current equipment inventory (checkout renewal may be denied if there are students on a waitlist for the equipment)
    • We are unable to process renewal requests via email or phone.
    • Once equipment has become overdue, it will no longer be eligible to be renewed and must be returned immediately (see "Failure to comply..." below).
  • Clear all equipment memory of pertinent data before returning any equipment to the CVAD Student Computer Lab.
    • All of the data will be wiped from the equipment upon return.
    • CVAD IT Services and/or the CVAD Student Computer Lab is/are not liable for any lost information.
  • Equipment circulation is not available during interim breaks. Therefore, you must return all check out equipment by the last day of each semester..
  • Failure to comply with the rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and standards of conduct of CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout will result in:
    • Notification of your Department Chair and or Program Coordinator
    • Being barred from using UNT equipment checkout services and resources (Student Computing Labs, Fabrication Lab, UNT Libraries, etc.)
    • Having a hold placed on your UNT account which will prevent class registration, obtaining grades online, etc.

You are financially responsible for any equipment checked out through CVAD IT Services, up to the total replacement value of the equipment. This includes charges if the equipment has:

  • Been damaged
  • Been lost or stolen

You acknowledge that up-to-date and detailed information regarding user financial responsibility (including current equipment replacement fees) can be found on the CVAD IT Services website at https://cvadit.unt.edu/equipment-checkout.

By signing the CVAD IT Services Equipment Checkout Terms of Agreement Form, you agree that you have thoroughly read and do understand these Terms of Agreement as described. You agree to abide by these Terms of Agreement throughout the duration of your use of any equipment checked out through CVAD IT Services.