Undergraduate Programs

All our faculty and staff are fully dedicated to student success through excellence in teaching, research, service, and scholarship.  The faculty are committed to providing undergraduate students with exceptional opportunities to learn valuable, life-long transferable skills.  They seek to create an innovative and supportive learning environment to meet the diverse needs of our students.  Faculty use a range of theoretical approaches and research methods to provide students with opportunities to develop a core set of marketable skills required by all careers.

The degrees and certificates are geared toward equipping graduates with the skills they will need to pursue careers either locally, regionally, or globally and to compete in an increasingly global, technologically-driven workplace.  Many classes at UNT Dallas are small, enabling discussion, focused interaction, and engaged student learning.  UNTD is committed to preparing students with the knowledge and practical skills to address the most critical problems and build successful communities.

Studying at UNTD helps students develop essential analytical thinking, critical reasoning, problem solving skills, communication abilities, and hone marketable job skills.  The goal is to help students realize their highest potential.