Explore the Opportunities

One STEM Foundation. Five Innovative Tracks.

All TAMS Tracks are rooted in a well-rounded STEM foundation. No matter what track a student chooses, TAMS offers students interested and passionate about all areas of STEM to find their community and explore their interests on campus. 

Traditional Science Track

Designed for students interested in medical professions and/or research sciences, the TAMS Science track allows students to study biology, chemistry, and physics, and perhaps their sub-fields if students use their electives wisely.  Common electives for students in this track include microbiology, organic chemistry, and/or higher level math courses.

Computer Science and Computer Engineering Track

Students interested in learning to program the “Next Big Thing” should select the TAMS Computer Science and Computer Engineering track.  Students may also ultimately venture into computer networking and engineering courses, including research in cyber security and computer engineering.

Music Track

Take this opportunity to study music at one of the nation’s largest and most respected comprehensive music schools. With abundant resources including world-class venues, state-of-the-art audio/video recording, and mentoring available from faculty on the cutting edge of their field, the TAMS music track allows students to explore the intersections of music and STEM. Students interested in music technologies, acoustics, and the physics of sound will feel right at home in this track.

Visual Arts and Design Track

STEM concepts abound in this track, as students with passions for creating—both of ideas and the physical—will feel a connection to Visual Arts and Design.  Students will develop an understanding of the exchanges of art and science while taking classes in drawing, design, and art history.  Students in this track may envision futures in communication design, app development, or engineering design.

Media Arts Track

The TAMS Media Arts track allows students to learn the technologies and skills behind modern media production.  Students will embrace hands-on creativity and critically engage with data produced from media, especially in the areas of market analytics, writing, production, and creative design and management of current and futuristic techniques.