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The PACCAR Technology Institute (PTI) in the College of Engineering at the University of North Texas (UNT) is dedicated to research on Nanomaterials and Microsystems Technology. The initial support received from the PACCAR Foundation in 2006 has helped nucleate this Institute within the College of Engineering. With PTI Director, Prof. Anupama B. Kaul, who joined UNT in Fall 2017, the future directions of PTI will revolve around Nanomaterials and Microsystems Technology from 2018 onwards. Nanomaterials and Microsystems Technology permeate many disciplines ranging from materials science, electrical engineering, physics, biomedical engineering, chemistry and mechanical engineering. The PTI will facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations amongst faculty with core expertise in this area within the College of Engineering and the College of Science.


PACCAR-affiliated faculty, scientists and students present research work at Fall 2018 MRS Meeting
12/06/2018 - Dr. Misook Min, Research Scientist from PACCAR-Director Kaul’s Research Group, presents her research work in the Beyond...
Developing high-performance photodetectors
02/19/2018 - Anupama Kaul, director of the University of North Texas College of Engineering’s PACCAR Technology Institute, and her...
Esteemed researcher named director of UNT College of Engineering’s PACCAR Technology Institute
10/09/2017 - Anupama Kaul has been named director of the University of North Texas College of Engineering’s PACCAR Technology...