Talon 3

UNT High-Performance Computing

What is UNT HPC?

UNT HPC is a part of Research IT Services, offering state-of-the-art computing, storage, visualization and networking service to the university. We help researchers and other members of UNT use advance computing power to enable higher research throughput and expand research capabilities.

Our services include the following.

  • Maintaining HPC allocations and resources for UNT researchers and UNT courses
  • Consultation services in performance research on HPC
  • Community training and outreach including workshops and HPC tutorials
  • Providing end-user HPC support
  • Exploring grant opportunities for HPC related projects

More information about UNT HPC Services.

Request an appointment or ask your questions about UNT HPC.

Find us at the General Academic Building, GAB, Room 535.

Talon 3 – UNT’s Flagship Resource

Talon 3 is the main computing facility that RITS supports which contains:

  • More than 8,300 CPU cores
  • 150,000 GPU cores
  • Mellanox FDR InfiniBand network
  • Over 1.4 Petabytes of Lustre File Storage


Read more in the Talon 3 User Guide.

System Status and Alerts

system status